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Everything posted by Dang!

  1. The frame is in Europe and is being tested by one of the worlds best riders. When he is done it will pass on to Adam @ Tarty. I know this is sucky for you all- but an opportunity arose that I was not willing to let pass. But in the end I feel that it is going to be worth it, and you will get sloppy seconds to a grand master! Unless he breaks it... I doubt it... ;p I am not sure when he is going to be done with it, but I think it will most likely be Mid summer? I am not going to divulge who he is, as I am sworn to secrecy for the moment. But look on the bright side- The major cost of shipping to Europe is already paid for....
  2. Take a look at this link from OTN http://www.observedtrials.net/vb/showthread.php?t=41575 This is a guy who only has use of one hand and is using two levers- perfect subject for your product.
  3. Who is the other? My bad if I have missed over some people. I do remember some one asking about Germany. I am very interested in seeing these frames go as far as possible, but thus far I have not seen a lot of strong desire outside of the UK and it's closest countries. What I mean by strong desire is: "I want to be on the list" At this point the list is pretty full, I think... Contact Leacock and see where the list stands.
  4. Well- until now, no one asked...
  5. I like the idea a lot. I like the idea of the idea even more. You've put a lot of thought and work into this and I applaud you. Loopholes... The funny thing with design and engineering is, it's nearly impossible to factor in human nature and behaviors. My guess at where the idea might come up against a functionality issue is: The learning curve directly related to operation of the brake while under stress or fear. Only time will tell. Good luck!
  6. The weight of the stock frame is @ 2000g but rides very light.
  7. thanks Adam- I hope to work it into a good thing in the end, we'll see.
  8. right on the money! It allows the forces to transfer to the heavier head tube while maintaining a tiny stand over and lighter weight. Or that's what I have attempted to do.
  9. yeah my bad- I got kind of excited about the colors when I was creating them, and thought: well I could do all white... or maybe I'll do something that sets it apart from the other frames... metalic orange! And well I went with it... Sorry.
  10. Well, the nice thing about buying your own- you can pick out the color and the geometry
  11. Something really important came up in my life and I have to follow it through. I am going to need to delay shipment by a few months. This may not effect you all as the initial shipment was to go to Aus., so I may instead take up that time and then start of in Europe instead and have Aus. during the winter months, as there weather is better than yours during that time. I am sorry for the inconvenience and the cryptic nature of this post. I spoke with Ben about it and it's the right thing to do. In the mean time continue to determine your shipment plan. Hinmaton
  12. no plug on the top tube because that's where you get the jet propulsion... or store your weed? And there is just enough room, you can't get the tire to hit the bridge or the tube. As far as the tensioner on the stock there is plenty room, the mod is tight. But there are simple ways to work around that.
  13. First off- mad props to Ben! The only issue I need to address is: The mod needs to have the brakes fixed and then maybe sent back to Canada. So that's May or so- The Stock is scheduled for Australia (two riders at this time) so that's around the same time. I am waiting to hear back from Aus. as that much money is a lot between two guys.
  14. Hey everybody- I just figured out what I did wrong with the mounts: After determining the location of the mount for the mod frames, I realized that I had been sold the wrong tap with my Helicoil set, so I had to re-machine the mounts. In the mean time, I re-set the jig to figure out the location of the Vee mount bracket on the stock bike and the 4-bolt mounts for the stock bikes, when I set the jig up for the mod again, I used the wrong alignment tick (there are two @ marks @ 35mm's apart) hence the reason it is so far off. Did I mention that I am dyslexic? Please send the frame back and I will fix it right away. Chaloux- finish your time with it, this doesn't effect you- If Cordy is using DD, then after he is done send it on. If he is planning on rim brakes, send it back. I will pick up the shipment of course and send you a label. It's going to screw the paint up, but other than that it should take me... an hour to fix. I have plenty more decals. Thanks for working with me on this.
  15. Let me start off by appologizing to everybody. I got some good sleep last night and feel a lot better. I should have rates to the UK soon with my discount. I don't know if I will be able to determine the taxes, duties, and VAT. That may not be assesed until it arrives. And also sounds like it may be up to the individual assesor to determine if they feel it needs it. It's not being sold, it shouldn't need tax. But I can't control that from here. Also I have some unfortunate news to pass on: It has come to my attention that HS33 brake mounts are off on the mod I may need to bring it back in and re-do these. The slider mechanism seems to be tougher to operate on the Mod as well. The space is really tight getting your fingers in there. The stock bikes seem to be right-on with both accounts... I really thought I had that worked out, but there were slight issues with the two stock bikes that I built with H-drops as well. hmmm.....
  16. Please do- Funny, I just looked back through a few pages and realized that from the time I posted about the 100 dollars- which I retracted 3 hours later- four pages and eight days have passed, most of those posts by 4-6 people from the list. ok- so maybe it's not so funny. Post or email me hinmaton@tektonics.com This is all going to change in a hurry or it's not going to happen. FYI: Ben Leacock says he is willing to try and manage this and make it work for you all, because he believes in the concept. I think think that's really nice of him. If it works out, I hope you do something nice for him.
  17. Canada already paid and are working it out amongst themselves. People in the states are having the first person in the region pay and then work it out amongst themselves. Same basic concept in Australia- maybe they can get a trials retailer to throw in a little. Ireland and Wales come after England... so... I don't know yet. But I haven't heard anything but positive response from the Goat- so I am guessing it will get worked out.
  18. There is one Mod frame amongst multiple counties. I just couldn't afford to make two.
  19. By problems, I mean: as far as I can tell, every other country is organized and ready to go- People are excited to be a part of this, and can't wait to get the frame. Everyone is on board but the English. Only the English are: freaking out about having to pay something worried about building and taking apart taking pictures taking video worrying about who is going to break it first worried about who is on their list having trouble figuring how to get it to them. I understand being fickle in these times, I appreciate being on a students budget, I know very well what it is like to be poor. I am not making any money on this project, I am not trying to scam you all. What don't I get? I have no problem taking control of the UK list, dictating how this thing goes,creating a binding contract (which in order to have any weight moving through multiple countries could easily cost $5,000 to $10,000, if it's even possible) to my best ability. But there will be some cuts. Or I could just sell the frame and recoup some of my losses....
  20. JT!- Don't get me wrong- I am pleased that outsiders are posting good ideas, I'm saddened that more aren't coming from members of the list (it reflects poorly on the members of the list). Some of the best put together and well thought out posts on this entire thread have been from Mr. Lee and Mr. Fingers, neither of which are on the list. What's that say? maybe nothing... The list was built by the people on the forums, I really have little means to determine who is fit for the list, it has always been up to the forum members to determine who belonged, who is trust worthy. People have voiced concern on a few members in private, but others have backed them publicly. If people have real concerns about a list member they need to speak up. This is not the first time I have said this either. Unless I control the shipping (meaning I am the shipper), it is going to be hard for me to control what is happening there. I am not sure if it's even worth trying to make sure people do what the are asked to do. I get the feeling that it's going to be like "lord of the flies" once it gets to the UK. Sure it will start off with good intentions, but sooner or later all hells gonna break loose. The brake mounts are already Heli-coiled. The frame will come with a few spares, and I can post bits like that cheaply I think. Adam is willing to help still, I think. If you were to borrow a friends bike or some parts and you messed them up, wouldn't you feel obliged to fix it? I am sending this frame for you all to share, treat it like it's yours or your friends. I think the idea of splitting the cost to get it there is fine- But if one of the first guys dents the frame doing some silly street move, like a missed drop gap to rail, and it creates a small crack, I am not going to refund the all the other blokes, because one guy is a basher. It's like this: you all are buying a frame for the cost of shipping, you all get to ride it for awhile the way you like it set up, then it goes to the next guy. If someone destroys it, get pissed at him because he broke your frame. If there is a manufacturing defect, contact me and we'll work something out. For all I care, when the 12 riders is up, start over at the beginning and do it again? Look guys, take it for what it's worth: There is not another company who is going to do something like this, this is an opportunity to be a part of something unlike anything else out there. Don't act like you all are doing me any favors- I'm not buying it. building up and breaking down a bike, waaa- give me a break. Shooting a vid and posting some pic's, for-shame you end up in the spot light- pretty tough. again- only issues in England so far- get it together.
  21. I really don't mean to be racist... Sorry. And I don't want to make sweeping generalizations either. It just seems that a number of people from England are the only ones bitching about this. I proposed the 100 dollars per person as a way to equalize everybody, not make money. The only people that had a problem and voiced their feelings happen to be English. Not a peep from anyone else, and conversely had many people that liked the idea or at least felt it was a fair way to proceed. I wasn't going to charge just the UK, everyone. So I heard those apposed, got frustrated, but realized that they were right in many ways. So I took it off the table- the end! For f**k sake everyone let it go! So now there are a few people who have to pay near three times this amount to get it (Australia). Hopefully they can work it out. But I am not hearing any issues from them. Yes I can understand your response to the concept of paying that much, that is why I retracted the idea. What I don't understand is why there are so many continued negative responses after it was dropped, and even more frustrating is why there are so many positive forward thinking responses to ways to work around the shipping issue from people who aren't even on the list... Maybe they should be on the list? I am sorry that I am being abrasive, it's not my normal character, between the lack of sleep and incessant prattle from this forum and only this forum, I'm on the verge of pulling people from the list. So let's drop it- stop trying to explain why the idea that I have already conceded is such a bad one, and come up with ideas that will work for everyone.
  22. I realize that the group of people willing to participate in this are your everyday blokes, this is what I expected, and frankly in many ways what I had hoped for. I'm just an ordinary guy myself... I'm an ok rider, broken a few frames, could stand to loose 50 lbs, sunk way too much into this project, haven't spent much time on the bike the last few months busy building frames, and I'm getting old. I don't care how old you all are, I'm talking about attitudes and comments. Like money, these frames don't grow on trees. It cost money to make them, and it costs money to ship them. The very first frame has already been sent to Canada, the rider wanted it in time to ride a comp and paid 125 USD to get it plus any taxes and duties, he was happy and excited to get it. I don't get a dime of that money, and it's my responsibility as the shipper to make sure it gets there and make sure all the paper work is right (which is wasn't), make the phone calls to correct anything, as well as bankroll it until the payments clear. What I'm saying is that some of you don't seem have a clue how the world functions, like children you expect things to be provided for you, and needn't worry about where or what it takes to get them. On the other hand many of you are real stand up people and I am going to do my best to make sure the frame gets to you even if the UK version of this project falls apart.
  23. well.. thanks for the vote of confidence. I appreciate the risks involved and am fully aware of them all. This the only way I can devise to get the frames to Europe and beyond. I don't expect the frame to come back, I hope it will end up in the hands of one of the riders as prize. If it breaks... the way things are going with folks in the England, and how dodgy they are being, I hope someone knows someone who can fix it because I certainly can't afford to ship it back to me and then back to England. Once it hits England it's amongst the riders, they will have to make it work, I hope they can self regulate and be responsible. I don't know how many of you are tracking the other forums, but it's night and day. I am happy to work with and make an extra effort with all the Americans, the Canadians, the Australians, the Irish, the Welsh. But as for members of TF... Some of you are upstanding people and I hope you get the frame first, but the rest of you are.... well.... children
  24. The stock and the mod will most likely be showing up at different times. Shipping rates are based on dimensional weight first unless superseded by actual weight. The box I am shipping these in, is 19lbs dimensionally, @ 8 lbs actual. So the combined size could make it worse? Insurance only adds @ 5 .00 USD. per frame.
  25. Yeah... I've been busting my ass to make this happen and loosing a bit of sleep... What got my goat was people keep bringing up the 70 pounds per person thing, we just need to let that go. It's over. But you are right, nothing has been determined yet. There are some great suggestions, and I have hinted that I think they could work fine, but I need you all to determine how you are going to proceed. The cheapest I can ship the frame to England is 190 USD plus any taxes or duties. Adam can do it cheaper, so you need to discuss it with him. The Mod isn't going to Adam unless he wants to take on this responsibility. Someone from your group needs to take responsibility and step up to the plate.
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