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Everything posted by Matt_Thibeau

  1. Looks amazing! Nice jason cant wait to ride it!
  2. I loved it! Your getting really goood!
  3. I laughed sooo hard lol Who ever submitted that is awsome ahaha
  4. I bet my v could I have noticed alot of disc's slide abit when you gap to front, when i set up my front v brake with heatsink reds on a smooth rim it doesnt slide at all what so ever. My friend had a front v brake and it was awsome but he switched to a avid bb7 because he said he liked the modulation over the power. I personally like my brakes as either fully on or not
  5. I really like this idea, but as aener said, I think ill wait till others have done it rofl
  6. Nice!! I laughed at the begging when you just came out from the side and were like PHAT PADSSS Nice one
  7. I just run SD7's front and rear with linear slick cables, They are both amazing!
  8. That sounds pretty cool! maybee I have seen those bars aswell ! Unfortunutly I live in Canada, so they are not avalible, Luckily enough www.trialspads.com now has trialtech parts! So I wouldnt need to order them from tarty. The 09 rage bar also looks really awsome, Unfortunutly the price is a little too high... blahhh Thanks for the comments guys, keep them coming Matt Thibeau
  9. I was watching some of your other videos, and you guys seem to come real close to harming the crowd, and when your hopping around that guy who was lieing down, you even hit him.. the video was cool but i think you should be alot more careful...
  10. Sorry im looking for a high rise bar, anyone know how much rise the trialtech bars have?
  11. Okay so I want a bar with more rise. I decided the trialtech riser will be a good choice, but whats the Geo on them? how much rise ect? Thanks alot guys, Matt
  12. Beau's zoo video 4 was taken off! I love that vid!!
  13. Let me google 2007 czar for you http://letmegooglethatforyou.com/?q=czar+2007 just had to be done
  14. Nice riding man! Get a better camera! it's not worth making a video if the camera is bad! Your a great rider though!
  15. riding was amazing I really liked 2:30, looked so awsome. another awsome video http://vimeo.com/1549101 he goes sooo big!
  16. I loved the helmet cam! I wish somone made a video wile using a helmet cam for trials
  17. I dont think he rides it anymore.
  18. I noticed that mod and stock feel diffrent to side, if your left foot forward, keep jumping to your right, this is because you can have a tuck and get closer to the wall, dont hop to your forward foot. I used to but i switched to the correct way. As for having trouble siding, just practice alot, and youll get used to the feel of mod.
  19. Alot of the clips were old, I think you could go alot bigger, as you look like your getting stronger, nice work! keep it up
  20. danny you grind your rim? i thought you had smooth rim
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