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Everything posted by higgzGU!

  1. That was brilliant scott, I know i told you that the other night when you sent me it but this is truly the best video you have ever made.
  2. Beast, Getting really good now ross.
  3. I am using a 50/50 mix of water and anti freeze and working perfect. The other night up here it was under -10 degrees and my brakes didn't freeze. Also feel really good to just like a normal water bleed.
  4. Yeah i am his "mate that had the czar. A boy that lives in same village as me just got a czar and had a shot on it and want another one. They ride amazing. I would defiantly go for the czar over the echo lite because a few of my mate have had echo lite's and they have all snapped really easily.
  5. I would say heatsink snowies because one of my mates got them on smooth rim and they have amazing power.
  6. When I had my t-vee i "wheelie dropped" off 4ft 11 (just over 9 pallets) and it was fine but it all depends on what you feel comfortable doing.
  7. Looks mint. I Used to have one of these but my spec wasn't so great so didn't ride very nice. I am tempted to get another if I can find someone selling one cheapish.
  8. Like most of the other guys on here said massive improvement mate well done.
  9. That is good video jarvis. Keep it up. Are you riding town today?
  10. I had one on for a while and basically everytime i rode it skipped about 5 times an hour. I am not quite sure why this is but i could get pictures of mine the inside of it if anyone wanted?
  11. Hi guys, this is short video of me riding the GU. Hope you enjoy all comment are welcome please tell me how i could improve my riding,editing and such like. The song in the backgorund is killswitch engage- eye of the storm. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=eEMtnvOgTsI Craig H
  12. that is so nice i want that so much very smart Craig H
  13. higgzGU!


    Looks abit nasty. Was he ok? Craig H
  14. In my last back wheel echo build i had 6-7 spokes missing for about 3 or 4 months and i just got someone to true it (echo-scott) and it was fine. Craig H
  15. higgzGU!


    well i am in fort william at the moment, i havn't been out on my bike yet and been here a week. Since i got here it has been raining non stop well acctully it stopped raining and i went to go out side to get bike and it started pouring down. scotland weather for the loser. Craig H
  16. sidehops were huge. was really good mate keep it up Craig
  17. get a mars bar. put in microwave for 15 seconds take it out nice and melted and pour some single cream over it and wala you got the best unhealth snack ever. also really good with toffee crisps
  18. haha that was brilliant loved it so good for his age will go far Craig
  19. craig higginbotham 13 Beauly Gu tp 08
  20. hey mate you still got your disk for sale ? very intrested in it ?

  21. yeah same i bought my gu frame from trials-uk and came next day before i left for school but a few of my mates have had trouble with them such as back rim didn't come for over 5 months. so just incase i would stick with tarty or select. craig
  22. i was wondering if anyon could help me. i went to turn on my xbox 360 and a red circle came up were it is normally green so i phoned up my mate who is a geek about xbox's and he said it was something to do with the red ring of death. i have have my xbox for about 3 years but hardly ever play it. Is there anyway i can get it fixed ?? Craig
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