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Everything posted by Peperami

  1. Peperami

    Best Brake ?

    Cnc cousts on a grind. Out of interest, how can anyone say if their grind is light/medium/harsh? How does anyone know how harsh everyone else has ground their rims to compare?!
  2. Or wear a cross-country lid
  3. Full face would be massively constricting, hot, and make it hard to see/ move where you want to on a trials bike.
  4. Lol, roadie singlespeeders are into this sorta stuff. Anyone remember an mbuk article from years ago with the gang riding trials and jumps dressed as old people?
  5. Will Arnold... http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....=118288&hl=
  6. Ive been thinking the same thing... on a pair of old school monty boots at the mo (blue and yellow now whos a clown ) but when they wear out... what to replace them with...
  7. Peperami


    The problem with the drugs is that a lot of people take them as a means of a total cure for their depression, where as gavyn says, theyre intended to improve your feelings so that you can cure yourself... now after a while your body will get used to the drugs (as it does any drug) and you'll slowly start feeling shitty again. Try stop taking the anti-depressants, or weaning yourself off them, and boy do you feel bad then... Its hard work getting out of the mindset, and only you can do it, but suddenly something will click and you'll think... why was i feeling that way! Have you tried writing down the things that are good and bad? If you can figure out whats wrong, and itemise it, you can start putting things right mate. Sometimes things dont seem so bad when you write them down. Will help clear your head too! You definately dont always have to feel this way though mate, and it seems like there are a few friendly faces on here willing to help you
  8. Ive done a shed load of running in my time (and with work and shiz) Im predicting that with no training you'll struggle to run 2 miles, let alone sprint two miles, or run 26...
  9. Peperami


    Lol, and that drug will cure your depression will it?
  10. 'Jet from gladiators to host a millenium barn dance at yeovil aerodrome. To be properly policed. It must not, i repeat not, turn into an all night rave'
  11. Peperami


    Nah, a doctor will just give him anti-depressants. These wont cure the root cause of why he's depressed. They're f**king useless.
  12. Peperami


    Having read some of the other posts, whatever you do dont take drugs to help it (as in anti-depressants)... you'll get hooked on them, and you'll end up having to use willpower to get over them and the way you're feeling in the end anyways. Only you can change it mate! You have one life and can do whatever you want to do... even if it seems ridiculous, it can be done! not sometime in the future, but now! List some things you fancy doing, or that'd make you happy? What do you have currently in life that you enjoy? And whats getting you down? Try move things from one side to the other. Depression is literally just a state of mind, its feeling a bit fed up... if you think positively about things, no matter how shit they are, nothing can get you down. You'll have to try help us a bit though fella, as we cant change things unless we know whats wrong.
  13. If your friend has a disc, and you have an hs33... why do you need to ask? Surely you can try both see which you like best and fit that one.
  14. Inferno. Lol, the one with most votes looks like a ladyboy.
  15. Lol at wanting to do the marathon without training! If you've just said you cant run long distance, what makes you think on the day you'll be able to do it without training beforehand?
  16. On foam grips dont use anything but water! Anything else will come through to the surface of the grip after a few rides, making them slippery. Just soak them and the handlebars in water, and pull them on. Then let them to dry.
  17. Its a trials bike, is it not made to get scratched... ? let the scratches build up, then after a while paint the whole lot.
  18. You really dont need to run a booster on that. Just silver and gold might look better, but still looks alright.
  19. Erm, why do you need that much power?! Most pros run 18/16 or 18/15... im running 16/14 and it feels fine. On a 22 i was running a 19t, and found that a bit hard, especially for natural...
  20. It would look like lots of other peoples bikes. But if thats what you wanna do... do it. Its your bike
  21. Lol. If you're a good rider, amazing brakes might help make you that little bit better. And every little helps...
  22. They're waiting for the family to formally identify him. But he's quite a distinctive looking chap, im sure the police know who it is. A sad loss poor chap
  23. Ha ha! To pick the best rider... different people like different things. I like watching either good tech comp riders, or smooth street riders (tgs stylee) Kenny belaey, hermance, coust brothers, tra, wes belaey, pisanka etc
  24. From whats happened to your maggy it sounds like you'd f**k a vee up if you had one too... just set the maggy up square and tight with some decent pads and you'll be fine.
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