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Julius Czar

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Everything posted by Julius Czar

  1. It's an 06, my mate had one for like a week, the font on the t-pro sticker is different to the 07 version.
  2. You've probably seen the interveiw he did with ITN a while back, nearer to the release of his april 09 vid
  3. I had a dream that we'd just bought about £50,000 worth of weed, and we were on holiday at butlins or something like that, and we saw the police do routine checks on every room, so we shat ourselves and ran out carrying loads of weed, then we went back to the room after the police had done their search, and we put it all in various drawers and cupboards. then I woke up. The weird thing was, the people in my dream I know, but I never hang around with them, I was so spun out
  4. Depends on what you like, how tall are you? Because the 06 pythons are quite long, and if you dont mind the weight, then you'll be ok. Kieran
  5. You wern't seriously expecting an accurate answer were you? Its like asking everyone what flavour crisps are the best, people are gonna say what they think is best, because its their opinion. Different frames have different geo's, and suit different people because everyone is different, like me, I suit a longer bike and I have an 07 echo lite, and I think its the best, because it suits me well, and I like the way it rides, but my mate (BigAl on here) hates the look and feel of my bike, because he thinks its boring and it rides horrible, so you cant really get an accurate answer out of it because everyones opinions will be different on different makes and models. Rant over. Kieran
  6. Think its 09 python time for me
  7. Definately. It's about time someone brought out a longer frame, that geo sounds promising, so it gets my vote! Kieran.
  8. Looks quite nice, liking the forward facing mount, looks very different, definately needs a seat though
  9. For the crank bolt, jam some loctite in there, that should sort it. (thats if it is a problem with the threads) if not, try Dandadude's idea, that should work if its a clamping problem
  10. Looks lush! A lot better than the other graphics! I've always preferred all the models in white to the graphics they have on tarty, I think they look a bit tatty, but the plain look suits it well! Kieran.
  11. Have you seen Bigal's python? his looks exactly like that, racelines, profile and old zoo cranks
  12. Only 2X? didnt 3X work? or did you just do it like that in the first place?
  13. Oh my god, thats mental! Do you want a new face? Headtube looks a bit mental, and the bb tube! thats gonna be so weak! and its already cracked... Your a nutter
  14. Gotta love chicken and mushroom. They're badman.
  15. Loving the look of them, look a lot stronger than the previous ones. Any word on the price? And when they're coming out? Would make a good xmas present
  16. I doubt it, its got a simple design, making it strong and ting
  17. Tnn greens, and re grind your rim, they are beast
  18. Zoo lynx And sorry to tell you, the maladie is nowhere near it
  19. Apparently the internals are made out of a poor quality metal, and the ratchet is glued in, so I wouldnt go near them.
  20. Oh my god, that IS the sex, so clean!
  21. Lush vid. I normally get bored and turn it off because I get bored, but that kept me entertained the whole way through Good job! Kieran:)
  22. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  23. Hmm, not bad, doesnt look very strong on the stays though, still niceee. How on earth did you do it?
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