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Mr Bob

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Everything posted by Mr Bob

  1. well im not sure, because ive clicked on the link and its been trying to load the page for about 15 minutes, if it takes much longer ill do that!
  2. Just doesnt work for me :$
  3. Duncy h on here has allready bombarded me with pictures of it, he's getting one! was 1st on list to get one lol. looks ok, the old skool blue colour may not go down well.
  4. Just do it! If it works great if not prepare for it to die or get a new frame for crimbo. you could get another t_pro frame cheap second hand w/o cracks.
  5. My mind has now changed quite alot! I like this more than the aureum!!!! looks very nice.
  6. Rock blues, buy them now lol. Just as equal bite as the lgms but last so much longer. Work fairly well in the wet aswell, but they are amazing with a grind. Mine have lasted ages a good 10 months and they still have lots of life left in them!
  7. Looks like a well kept bike. However you have to go through a validation system to become a memebr, this is so spam is cut out and reduces scammers etc. Easy way to get validated is to post useful topics in new memebrs chat, e,g for starters post a topic on how much people think your bike is worth tog et you an idea for the future. Cheers hope i helped. It will get closed but ignore some of the abuse as theres a fair bunch of members on here who dont read them either. josh.
  8. Wow, very very very good. Waiting for other half to load. What a class song. I waas going to use that on my next video Lol Woahh, seen it al now! His bunnyhops are huge and his bike looks mint! How old is he. 360 down a big star set to a barspin down another. Amazingly good.
  9. The ridings good! Your bike looks lush ! How does it ride?
  10. Come and ride with us lol. We live near kenny wilson but he's now out for a while with his foot. The natural spot is really good. Lewis Greenhalgh did some good lines there (huge gap to front)! Street pritty poor unless we travel into town but we dont know the best bits. Good video Duncan, lol (p.s if any one gets annoyed with the yes!, comeon etc in the background thats me lol)
  11. And thats why we have a validation system
  12. looks ace and yeh pictures dont give it justice lol
  13. Was good. Trialsparts.net ? lol
  14. Being honest it looks like a decent offer. However it may not be a we the people! Looks like its been in the wars a bit. You would want something preferably with a rear brake and that has minimal parts so less things being broke. If the guy throws in a free brake go for it? if not look on pinkbike.com will be better than bmx forum as many sold on there are decent spec bikes which are highly knickable in the street. If all fails go to halfords and buy one for around £100 like an appolo, decent bikes for the money.
  15. Youll love it eventually, even the angle of the bars, height of the brake levers and what grips your using can make a hell of a difference!
  16. Mr Bob

    Jeff Lenosky

    I liked it. one guy on his own! was really really good. Come on he is a good rider. Yeh maybe he isn't doing backflips but he aint sam pilgrim/danny mac. Deserves some credit. Good riding. Good editing and pritty cool song. What was his bike looked really nice ! Good find mate.
  17. Looks lovly, there so nice to ride, heres mine however currently its got no back brake(n)
  18. Very good riding there. And all in just a warm up ! how old is he by the way? very talented rider.
  19. very good pads! imo. Top riding again!
  20. Lol them logs are huge! Was a good ride today!! Get back on a mod lol! very profeesional videoing in many bits. (not like i am the cameraman ! lol)
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