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Everything posted by DYAKOV

  1. it was pleasure to watch thanks for the video :bow:
  2. Found some unwanted old footage on my pc so decided to make a video. let me know what you think try this link: http://vimeo.com/9072807
  3. I think it's a bit monotonous. The effects aren't matched with the intense of the music.. I liked the first 10 secs of the vid. sorry for being so critical but that's my opinion
  4. smooth, beautiful, calming
  5. another interesting video with david sellero in it take a watch - http://vbox7.com/play:91a1e22d

    Steve-a, Video 4

    cool vid pal whats the song
  7. AMAZING! brilliant moves, gigantic heights..hero! :bow: 1:52 ....

    Its Smadgical!

    1:55 the superman + tailwhip looked awsome
  9. good video but..STAY on mod mate
  10. DYAKOV

    Ross M - Reprise

    the music was too calm for your beasty riding I think.. pretty good video anyway
  11. pretty nice vid ^^ what's the song
  12. excellent! I'm amazed how stylish can be one maybe 14-15 years old rider :bow:
  13. I think the LE suits you more :$
  14. beast! :bow: but some bad shooting angles I'm afraid
  15. damn good! non UK 4tw!
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