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Posts posted by tomturd

  1. 16 hour stint working on a uni assignment today... Many more days to come like this.

    Uni sucks kids, don't do it! Spent 4 years getting a life instead.

    Are you doing comp sci? It'll be worth it :)

    Except from recent BBC job post

    You will be a creative, technical, problem solver with proven academic ability. Naturally, you'll be educated to degree level
  2. I'd say if they do it for £40k then that'd be pretty good going, 5 developers on the equivalent of a measly 15k salary for 6 months - not much money or much time!

    Looking at the details, £10 gets you the PC game, £15 gets you access to betas. I won't be backing it, but then my attention span is roughly 30 seconds, so I don't get on with games anyway :P

  3. Stand up on the pedals, move your hips towards the bars, pull up while putting a half pedal stroke in to get the front wheel off the floor, as its coming up lean back and get your bum low/sit down. A half pedal stroke and a fluid movement of weight from over the front of the bike to the back of the bike low down should be enough to get you to the balance point, then continue pedalling like a boss, using your back brake to help keep you on the balance point.

    You'll know when you get it because it'll happen in a split second, and you'll be on the floor clutching your arse/coccyx in massive amounts of pain :)

    (Ps welcome)

    • Like 1
  4. thats a bargain, mine was £410 and I thought that was cheap!

    For £300, if you're just mostly browsing the internet, watching videos, sending emails etc (turns out this is what I do most of the time) then I think i'd recommend a new tablet over a laptop (especially if you have an old PC which you can use for non-internetty computer use)

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