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Posts posted by tomturd

  1. I was fixing my mates mums computer, she's a fairly straight, christian teacher in a primary school and was nattering away.

    She was telling me about a time she was making a christmas worksheet thing, using google to find pictures

    "So I was searching for 'donkey' on google, and you would not believe the pictures that came up!"

    • Like 2
  2. I'm sure a hollow patch is fine. When you're working so closely with things, it's easy to see the tiniest mistake. In fact, my bathroom tiles were all slightly concave which meant if I lifted one I could see that they hadn't fully bedded in the middle, but they're fine. Nobody knows, except me. And now TF :P

    My bookshelves are coming on nicely. Finally feels a bit more like a home rather than a painted shell.

  3. PM me, but, read what I'm about to say :P

    I have about 9 envelopes left ready packed with stickers. I'm back in pembrokeshire now (where the stickers are) but they seem to have disappeared. On top of this, having just checked my PMs, I've got a lot more than 9 requests for stickers. Bugger.

    So, I'll go through the PMs on a 'first come first serve' basis, but when the 9 are gone then they are gone.

    I'll probably get some more printed up, this time maybe a bit different - I'm thinking a single sheet than incorporates everything :)

  4. odd place for an electric meter ?

    looks pretty cool! bookcase fit looks ace.

    Yeah, why the feck did they put it there?! According to the plasterers that's pretty standard for houses in Cardiff.

    That's a great transformation Tom, awesome work (Y) Taking the glass out the staircase was definitely the right decision. I think I'd have definitely gone with spotlights the whole way through though...

    Thanks! At one point I wasn't even going to go for spotlights, really glad I did now - without them on it all looks a bit dull. I guess I wanted to avoid the hundreds of spotlights and a massive TV on the wall look. I'm always thinking about eventual resale value, and I think if people can see it would be easy to either remove the spotlights, or remove the pendants then maybe they wouldn't be put off by either :)

    That looks great! Nice colour choice too, although it can't have been hard to pick something better than that 'lovely' wallpaper!

    Soon I'll be inheriting 1/3 of a house, once Mr Taxman is satisifed, so probably later this/early next year me and my dad (and maybe some help from my sister) will be converting a garage into a kitchen/lounge, fitting a second bathroom upstairs and some other general work.

    It's a big change as I might even be moving in while work is carried out to save money on rent and maybe even live there after work is finished...so no more living in the city which isn't great for riding but it also means no loud students and annoying neighbours and no parking charges, my own garden...in fact it's not sounding that bad at all!

    I shamefully stole the colour from a similar 'diy build thread' on avforums.com :P I can't take credit.

    Sounds like a big (fun) job you have there! make sure you post pics!

    Looks good Tom - Does that lemon grass smell? Or do you have to break it to release the oils to get it to scent anything.

    Nah, it's just grass really, for eating (eventually)

  5. I'm finally getting round to putting in some 'finishing touches' downstairs.

    Built a book case yesterday (one more to go which will go in the other alcove), props to the B&Q wood cutting service. I left the measurements with them, told them what thickness of MDF and came back 3 days later, and they'd cut all of the main component parts of 2 massive bookcases for me - all for a grand total of £78. The backs of the bookcases are tongue and groove cladding from wickes. Obviously need to finish them off and paint them white.

    A before/during/after pic.




    PS thats a lemon grass growing in that pot. Its getting massive. Can't wait to harvest my first lemon grass, might be another few years :)

    • Like 1
  6. Depends on the number of possible answers..

    Edit: Re-read and guessing 0.5.

    There are 3 answers, 25%, 50% or 60%. The bit that makes it confusing is that the answers are percentages. If you replace the percentages with something else, eg cat, dog and horse, then you the chances of the answer being cat (25%) are higher than dog (50%) or horse (60%). But you still can't be sure.... Gah!

    Edit, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monty_Hall_problem is a similar thing, worth a read although the Wikipedia article is a bit long. Even got my dad with this and he is usually on the ball with this kind of thing.

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