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Everything posted by Jamie_Trials

  1. Thanks guys, and haha cocky that was the most epic moment in trials history, shame we didn't get it on film
  2. Made a little video on my trialy bike, hope you enjoy it. It's cut short and the quality is poop but oh well Thanks for any comments!!
  3. Waaaaaay too many camera angles
  4. http://www.wimp.com/rescuedkittens/ Awwww
  5. I had it a few years back, it works of course, depends where you want modulation. It's all I could afford at the time so I didn't have much of a choice. Try it
  6. Jamie_Trials


    Watched piranha 3DD, was okay i guess, just one of them movies where you roll your eyes at the decisions they make.
  7. Aztec Rotors are beastly, more holes also means more chance of breaking so be careful with which you pick. I literally used to land on my Aztec rotor before and not a thing happened to it, didn't even bend!
  8. Jamie_Trials


    All hail JT, king of the weather
  9. My god, check my 2nd post in this topic haha (A)
  10. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/topic/168507-happy-birthday-ben-savage/page__hl__%20happy%20%20birthday
  11. So yeah, just noticed it was his birthday on Facebook. Have a good one!
  12. Onza stems usually have decent geo's, maybe it's your bars that you need changing, try tilt them and see if it feels any better. Better to adjust something than splash the cash
  13. Maybe he had fake plates, risky but if can outrun them I bet he doesn't care
  14. Pretty epic, that's why police need decent cars for a proper pursuit.
  15. That rail play at 3 mins was impressive, looked so controlled and smooth
  16. Well I hope it works, I had a Hope pro 2 before and the exact same thing happened. Only problem is it broke so much I can't actually remember how I fixed each problem EDIT: There's the problem.
  17. Maybe the frame has worn so it can't tighten to what it actually wants, try putting a washer on the outside of the frame, or you could shorten the thead on the bolt. Best to try the washer first, and if that is the problem cut the bolt after.
  18. [media=] Can't explain my reaction more than your posts. Psssssssssh
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