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Everything posted by Jamie_Trials

  1. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=4094659763118&set=t.1181522961&type=3&theater
  2. Do that then it'l be viewable for everyone
  3. Around the 2:00 area was nice, don't really see people making to fronts creative. Top video
  4. Hammer it in a bit and keep riding!
  5. Whats worse than finding a worm in your apple? The holocaust.
  6. Beastly riding, would've been better if there wasn't such a long intro but i was still enjoyable
  7. I was but i snapped it a few months ago, better off getting a forged thing really
  8. I had an akali, and still do, its coming up to 2 years I've had it now, rockman frames seem to be touch and go, but my akali is tough to say its about 1.4kg or something. http://www.youtube.com/user/jamiemoxon
  9. I've had mine well over a year and it still has no intention of cracking yet, they're decent as long as you don't go around hitting it with hammers, make sure you get a carbon protector for the thought because they're much easier to break when they're dented. As long as you're not a complete basher it shouldn't be a problem, I've go a few videos of me riding i so you know what sort of stuff it can handle. Suppose it also depends on what frame too though, the maladies were complete poop in terms of cracking as far as I'm aware, never heard of an alaki cracking... EDIT: BASHRING any day!
  10. Fed up of the lens, don't have a clue how big 1/2 of the stuff is in there because of it. It would be nice to see him ride with none of that bull.
  11. I'm just a hench fanny what can I say.
  12. Once threw snowballs at my next door neighbours window, (wasn't the smartest idea at the time but I didn't like him), ended up running away and hiding in a bush while he drives past a few times. Then had to sneek back into my own house without him noticing
  13. Go for it but record everything you do forwhen you fall.
  14. They're probably my worst 2 falls, I broke my wrist before but that wasn't on film and it was just a little fall
  15. 3:30 is the most epic thing i've ever seen
  16. Well it's probably about 12-13 ft, never really thought about it, then the drop afterwards is maybe 6-7 ft so you'd be risking a lot trying it And thanks canardweb!
  17. Nooo, dannytrialskid with the sexy bike
  18. Haha, mine too, lucky the brake managed to hold enough for me. Thanks for the comments
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