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Everything posted by Paperclip

  1. masive thanks to, tarty for my chains etc, joe at onza for frame . also a bigthanks to my new sponcers Darkcomponents for my rear brake setup and trialparts whos reacently retaken me back onto the team, so will be making new video soon. had a nasty 8 months struggeling with my wrist after a fall on the bike, still having problems but ridings back on track, also toying with the idea of free trials on mod and brakless so there is no front brake on the ice, not going to bother with the spec however most of the parts are modded on the bike, ie the front rim etc.. also I would like to take this chance to thank yeozhi for helping me out a rear 36hole rim for cheap thats not black and thats not tryall spec, for those who are blind! onza ice frame cracked as there utter s++t, echo lite forks, echo team stem the new geo, zoo bars 05, rear 06 maggie, profile on zhi, hope on atomz, gu cranks, 74 bash, khe, dark in cnc, no front brake, tryall tyre, rear maxxis tyre, welgo-welgay pedals.
  2. There called tryall punching for a reason and nows your one and only chance to use them, find where he lives and just hit him rapidly with the bar's and half way threw swap them around and hit him with the other side, by the time you have done your tryall punchingbars will have gained a rise and become the same geo as the ones you orderd , I also hope you get this matter sorted, your well in your rights he should be giving you the bars just baced on the fact no ones putting buisiness his way. he also got around this a few years back, a matter that dident get issued on trials forum, as he dident have the option of choosing colours on rims-bars-boosters and so on, so if you orderd the stuff thinking youd picked a colour but you atually dident order that colour and would sometimes get some random colour rim like magnolia . Then once this matter got sorted on one of his website updates around a year or so ago, is when people were then getting nothing-wrong parts, people have said your lucky for getting the bars, but as your on the forum your unlucky for not seeing one of the many posta trying to discurage t-uk sales
  3. You can also look for a secondhand bike, with good part's even if its a frame you dont like, sell the frame on and get a frame you like.
  4. yeah, as stated above try a fresh grind or could try new pads? . also a re bleed would atleast even if its not that make you feel better about it. allways keep a close eye on piston's and seals!!!! when using echo brakes as they not allways but mostly after a wee while leak, this can also be avoided on the re bleed but taking all pipe work off the pistons and lever body and using a pump/compressor to get all loose shaving's ect as they do tend to get left in there even though deng try not too. The above is just advice from me as I had echo brakes and both front and back let me down due to this, The back let me down on a gap aswell allways tell that to people when echo brakes are in a conversation just because if you can reduce the chance you might aswell . but the tr should be a very good brake even with a shit bleed, far as i know there pretty much the old rb design and they were sexual brakes!
  5. +1 uploading images to forum is easy, and safe for everyone, plus means we will not have to download anything and just click onto the topic and its all there ready .
  6. OO00oop's sorry I spelt his name wrong, Thatll make up for the 100's of parts hes shipped out wrong, or never even botherd to send. DAN KO!
  7. They used to be really good, and just gone down hill - danko's a tit! period or just a period The fact hes not atually been jailed or murderd by now is amazing. ive seen a few people order things and not get it =/ why hes not just had a sale on all of the stock he had left and got shut of everythink and then paked in i do not know, seems weird to me and all this started before rockman's came out and there now on his website, so hes obviosly updating his website aswell. people are bound to know where he's living, someone needs to go down there and get some info off him, in a totally violent way still cant beat tarty! even if he was to get back up and running and you knew youd get the parts, id still stick with tarty and the lads, where your allways get top service
  8. harden moor is a great place to ride, however from the area there from there even better place's closer to them. I know the question is where is there to ride in west yorkshire but still its a ditance away from them. there are lots of riders around the west yorkshire scene and can be found via the search, get there msn's and get to know them then instead of asking where there is good to ride, youll most likly get invited. there tends to be groups of riders from each area like youd expect, but ever now and again we all get together. you could search for, hebden leeds bradford keighley skipton morley halifax huddersfield etc
  9. +1 I think it is a really good idea as everything in trials changes to fit with the IN" croud, your being your self and cant nock that The more old skool riders these days are on inspired etc, as 24 dose seem to be the New old skool, however marino frame are of an older baced style, so for someone to want to be on a more old skool style bike but not wanting a bunch of secondhand parts, you can build that style up still even with trials moving in the direction is is at the moment. as youve said your wanting to see if anyone else follows this, you could potentialy start a craze up for your 'style' of riding. Like you I miss the old skool bikes and not going into as much depth as you have, ive got an 03 monty x-lite frame that im on the way with minting up and building again like i said you can build old skool with new parts, so hopefully ill have a awesome riding frame (oldskool) with a nicer spec than they used to be , be a slight diffrence from my onza ice haha. I think its a really good idea, being there is so many older frames liying around in peoples sheds , you can get hold of them cheaply and even not to ride it a really fun project to be getting on with. like to see some pics of your bike when its done, if intrested ill post some of the monty when i get chance
  10. As stated above^ youd be bet gettin shut and starting a fresh with a trials bike, however for now you could get your balance and learn to hop it on the two wheels. then once youve got your trials bike youll have a great deal of ballance, and all ready be on your way to getting used to riding trials there is a bmx forum also, you could have a see in there if there is anyone in wanted section, looking for a bmx like your's , or pinkbikes a good place to sell hope iv helped
  11. Starters , plazz crm's tnn are the same? and secondly wouldent you be wise looking for a decent all round brake thats good in all conditions, you live in the uk hot summers day haha! most people run plaz in plastic backing's on either smooth or dead grind thats a good brake for dry weather's however heatsink's new pad along with the new tnn are run on a light to medium grind giving you just as good a brake but can also ride in the wet! and mean you dont have to use gay!! TAR with again just as gooder brake, not saying you have to ride in the wet but most days it can drizzle or light rain during the day. however phat pads are most likly one of the best pads you can buy atm, talk to phatmike on here if you end up wanting some, but again all boils down to what you think, everyone has difrent view's such as life, some like loud some like bite hope if been some kind of help
  12. Hey , Im luke, most know me as cocky Im 18 years young / lockmith from up north / ride mod- onza ice for the time being hope fully sorted out a new deal for 2010 so ill be on a zhi z3 ride for, trialparts - darkcomponent's Just on here to share my opinion's and meet new people hope to hear from you all soon
  13. I want to ride with you ali, dont live in hebdale but Im a train away be good to ride blackstone again were urber windy last time like =/ and i want to do some sideways gapping with you again mathyew fag!
  14. Hey there everyone, My name is luke, usually known as cocky ( most of you call me that anyway not due to me being cocky haha), I have been riding trials for 3 years now, and ride for trialparts.lv and dark component's. Never really been a big internet fan, however got new laptop and im hooked really getting to like it now and find its my time to try get my self on the forum, there has been many posts about me dotted around in the forum ( videos-bike pic'-riding pic's etc). and would really just like the chance to post for my self. Im not a newbie so ill give my best at tackeling your questions and advice all ways been a big fan of the forum and allways wanted to share my view and get me name out a little more . so here I am
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