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Everything posted by butcha87

  1. Best rims around if they still made them!I have an orange one in my garage laced onto this pants Shitmano hub. Might get it built onto something good, would serve as a pretty good wide rim I'm sure.
  2. Under tweaks in the first site.
  3. Has anyone recommended checking for spyware and viruses? This site will take you through everything you need to do, to speed it up if you do have a load of ad ware and bollocks on your comp. Has a couple tips on optimizing your computer as well. Otherwise try following some of these tips. Some of them are quite advanced and I guess the benchmarking isn't really needed!
  4. If you like animals,or are a little squemish, I recommend you don't watch this. It's a bit of an eye opener. I can't make any sense of it, why yhtey keep the animals alive to do it, it's easier, less cruel etc. to kill them(by not standing on their necks and heads). Just watch it, I think you'll understand that I hope the bastards die horrible painful deaths... Left click f**king awful, it literally makes me sick,that shot of the skinned animal alive, senseless... Admins can remove this if you think the clip is OTT.
  5. How is it you have such good connections with Vince? :D I wish he'd visit where I live!
  6. :D Gobsmacked! Vince is definately my favourite pure trials rider!Funny guy too,especially liked his manual,to no footed manual to wheelie out,lol! :P
  7. butcha87


    World Record The powerball screams louder than the crustiest of Chris Kings!!Look at that guys muscles as well!
  8. butcha87


    Bugger they're cheap as chips at Play,and they're like two seconds down the road from me!!!!BallBAGS!
  9. Toronto Metro Jam is pretty mind blowing as well! (Y)
  10. Riding fakie?How? Where do you place your weight and balance whilst going backwards, I can't seem to do them for any length or at speed!!Also, does the length of the crossover cable matter for the back brake? Cheers
  11. Quite a lot of good riders run blacks or koolstops. Matt B and John Shrewsbury runs koolstops i think. Andy P and Rowan use black pads. If you have a degreased rim and a well setup brake they hold well enough, whilst allowing modulation!
  12. I'd like to do that, but I don't want to be in a situation where I've sold a trials bike to get a possibly worse (Although possibly better riding)one, and not have a BMX to ride to counter that. I'm a wanker I know... :">
  13. It's a Pashley 26 Mhz, it bunnyhops fine, jsut not as well as my BMX, as expected I guess! :"> As a matter of fact I've got an ET frame sitting in my room,but I've not got the funds to put it together. I'm stuck as anything. Edit: True JTM. I can't remember the last time I pedal hopped or did any of that trialsy kinda stuff. I backwheel things, and thats about it. Ideally I would like to be able to backwheel things on my BMX and "stick them to back wheel" so I could fufanu and tyre tap walls and stuff, but with a naff brake I just can't do that!
  14. The time has come for me to decide.I have a flattie on both bikes and I love them both as much as the other, they bot have their pros and cons. In essence I'm a street rider. I like to do trials and ride BMX in a street manner. The problem with my trials bike is that I jsut find it hard to bunnyhop, and it's not even a good ride for trials either. The problem with the BMX are it's shit brakes, and just the general shit spec of my BMX. I;ve got to decide, it's one or the other?!?!PLease help,I'm such an indecisive b*****d!! Cheers
  15. Sweet!What's decent cardio,3 times a week at 60-70 of your max hear rate?Or something simpler like trials riding at the weekends?
  16. When I was younger I swear I saw a witch flying in the evening sky. Also once when I got up to go to the toilet, I opened the door and there was this litt grey ghost dressed like a victorian boy standing there.Then once I had a dream that an alsation was having a fit in my house and died, the next day my uncle's dog died!I swear,my house is built on an old Indian burial ground or something! (Y)
  17. Is there no catch,like it's from water loss, or is it unsafe?Surely it can't be good honest weight loss?
  18. Milkman Just so random!!!CAll me a sick f**k but I find it really funny.
  19. I have no skill on the front at all, can't front hop or stoppie or ne thing!!Just feels un natural?Any tips?Stoppies especially,my attempts are pathetic.
  20. Man I'm so disgusting,I can't even see my abs on most days!How can I get rid of my little belly?
  21. butcha87

    Rear Tyre

    Hey,looking for a back tyre,I was thinking along the lines of Michelin Comp 24,Maxxis Minion or High Roller?Which one would be best for me,considering,if I had the money I'd be riding a Leeson 24"! :blink: Also what size, I've got a Pashley 26mhz! Cheers
  22. Counter strike Planetside 7 day free trial!
  23. I can't drnk tap water,it has to go through my Brita.If I have just tap water,it normally tastes of whatever scum was left in the cup from rubbish washing!Water is good thoughl,when chilled,there is nothing better.It's such a sip and forget drink, you take sips all day and before you know it you've drunk 5 litres!!!
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