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Everything posted by butcha87

  1. butcha87


    So true! (N) At the start of his vid where he balances on top of the log,by just letting his back wheel roll back and sticking his knees out!oh my god! (Y)
  2. Just always liked the look of planetside,but have totally forgotten about it until tonight!Does anyone play it,or know where I can get a free trail for it!!Cheers
  3. Hey,random question but I can't figure out something.Sometime when you approach a hill on a really hot day,at the top of the hill, the air above the road is kinda of fluidy looking?Whats the reason for it?
  4. Sweet vid! (Y) Good to finally see Timo Pratt in action again!He is shit hot!Well everyone in the video was! :) Last Trial-Shack vid ever I guess,twas a good one though!RIP TS
  5. Gusset or Surly are the way to go I gather?
  6. Lifesavers!!!! (Y) Many thanks!!!
  7. Sweet pics! (Y) Can anyone explain to me the first pic?Ben Rowlands doing a 360 off the skip, I can't quite picture it somehow,unless it was static, in which case he's riding the wrong bike! :D
  8. Got AS media studies on Thursday and I'm a bit screwed because I've lost my text book with all my notes in it!!!!!!Is there anywhere online where I can revise, find information? Past experience or knowledge would be greatly appreciated!!! Cheers
  9. Got a flattie and I've got to get a new chain as I made my KMC kool too short,and also it kept trying to shift as it isn't made for a 9 speed cassette?So whats the best 9 speed chain?Also I'm going to get a Maxxis High roller 2.35 for the rear (super tacky), can I run a cheapy inner tube,or should I get a DH one? Cheers
  10. butcha87


    Just wondering because I have a major problem. Anything except jeans (in fact jeans as well!) I only wear once and then I chuck it in the wash. Even if I haven't been sweaty or anything, it's worn once and then in the ash it goes. I wanna save some energy and money, so I was just wondering, how often or when do you put your clothes in the wash? Cheers
  11. Jonny Jones(Trialmedia on the forum) used to ride one, and quite well may I add. Ask around, I'm sure you can get his vids somehow. He ran front sus, a very streety setup yet it still rode well for trials!
  12. Sweet I'm liking the discworld series,gonna d/l them and forgot to mention I've already got Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, although it it extremely replayable. Will check out grim fandango as well,although it's not really a point and click lol! Cheers lads
  13. I've the Fatty templates that were going around the forum a while back, if you take them to a sticker company or can make them yourself you could probs save osme money.
  14. Hey,I'm really bored and need a new game to play!IT has to be point and click though and cannot be the ones below!!Any help would be greatlye appreciated Monkey Island series Day of the Tentacle Broken Sword II Full Throttle Sam and Max King's Quest 7 Leisure Suit Larry 6 Ideally any from a new series would be sweet!!!! Cheers
  15. butcha87

    Top Gear

    Tiff?He's quite good at driving.
  16. WTF!There's no finish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!A heds up would have been nice!!!I am annoyed (Y)
  17. Didn't Matt Tongue leave Leeson and take his ideas for it and make it into the Pashley 26Ghz?
  18. Crazily good! :turned: Keep them coming!If you carry on releasing them this often I'll be a very happy bunny!
  19. I don';t think you can revise without the specifications!You ge tthese by going on the exam boards site and looking for the specification for your subject,it basically tells you everything you need to know.Flick through it,if you know something,skip it,if you don't get a textbook and write your own notes about it, and take in the knowledgfe as well as writing. Then do a past paper, mark it and note down what you're shit at.PRactise the thing you're shit at over and over then do another past paper.After repeating this proces you should be ready for anything!!!! (Y) Ideally if you start early enough you can write notes on the whole specificatoin,so whatever you don't know in the past papers you can just flick to your notes on and you're sorted.
  20. Do what Ben from 26twenty did,whack some azonic risers on a high rise stem!
  21. Fair enough,although when was the last time you saw someone do a sidehop on a BMX! :P
  22. Arsenal,Man U deserve it though..
  23. Anybody watching this?No wonder he punched Max to be honest...
  24. Lol,the skater is Mike Vallely and he's a nutjob whoe lives for fights and is a wrestler too.In all honesty if you're confident I think you could fare pretty well in a fight.That vide ois a pretty good example, he makes the first move and his stance and movement is totally aggressive.Chavs seem to be the kinda blind punching don't want to get hurt kinda people in my experience.
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