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Everything posted by 315r

  1. 315r

    Yaabaa 1499

    Nice work Jambo!! Last week end I bought a new try-all light tires and a maxxis flyweigth front tube for my yaabaa, and everyday I'm more and more satisfied with this bike. The difference was absolutely amazing in weight and general ride feelings with this tires / lose of weight. The next step for me are get some wellgo pedals and rear try-all Hole rim. Other thing that I had in mind was to "sacrifice" the rear disk holder, exactly in the same way that you do. I thought in that before I have seen your bike, actually I marked the line of cut two weeks ago. I'm going to cut the disk holders of the hub too. As soon as I'll get the try-all hole rim and build it I'll post some photos of my yaabaa. We can share "experiments" with this bike Jambo Cheers!!
  2. SL FOR SURE! I got one 4 months ago and never have skipped. My last one was a try-all one and
  3. This video is: Source of inspiration before riding. Source of frustration after riding
  4. last hollidays I had a problem with my front magura louise and the only chance that I had was bleed with water. The feeling It's amazing and still works with water, the only thing that you don't have to do are long downhills. But now I'm a little bit worried about my louise "life" and I have a can of Shimano mineral oil to refill it as soon as possible. This is my experience. For Hope it's another history because hopes use dot
  5. Thank you JD for your help and graphic, this is lots helpful. This graphic should be in a static place of the forum to consult i think that it's super interesting. Sure, maybe this combination that i had proposed it's too drastic, I have to find something like 90 or 100 long and 20º Now I have to find it Thanks all for help.
  6. Thaks Aener. Yeah! I think the same but in Spain I can't find stores with shorter stems with more than 5º I focus that trialtech have some stems with 25º and shorter than mine and in spain trialtech have a dealer but don't have this, maybe because are "news" and don't have in Spain yet... Finally aener, 80 could be short? I'm thinking in 90 or 100 with 20 or 25 of angle. Thanks a lot.
  7. Thanks Alex. Sure, it feels OK in some movements, perfect, but for others movements like "advances" principally in comps, this bike with this stem is quite long for me, I think. Although obviously in your case I think that your bike is larger than mine, that's true? Coust V2 are 1095mm? Woow to long for me, for sure. I don't know what to do, I don't have any friend with and extra short stem to try. I prefer to ask because I have to buy.... Some other opinion please?
  8. Hello! I'm thinking to change my stem, nowadays is this one: http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?product_id=11325&category_id=41 And focus in this comment please: - Available in 115mm length and 25° rise only (Manufacturer's claimed geometry: 125mm x 25°) with 45mm tall steerer Well, I'm small, only 1,60 Meters and I think that in some movements my arms are extremely extended, movements that doesn't need this extreme extension. My mates comments the same. My bike is 1080mm long I'm thinking in 90mm 5º try-all or 100mm 5º Echo, Assuming that my actual one is "in theory" 125 25º but maybe is 115 25º. What do you think about this change, Could be worst than now? What kind of differences can I notice with only 5º and more short than my actual one? Finally. Which geometry could be the best for my yaabaa 1499: 90mm 5º try-all or 100mm 5º Echo. or another one... Thanks a lot!!
  9. Really I' don't know how SL and TR works, but I ride a trialtech one and I'm quite happy with it, thats all. If you want to try SL Or TR come on... I'm quite confident that are both good enough.
  10. One question about nitromorse and other paint strippers. Some people here said that paint strippers are quite aggressive with alu and they can weak the piece. That's correct or are just a stupid theory?
  11. Yes, you're absolutely right, it was rubber queen. Excuse-me. Seems like rain king and der Kaiser are both good enough.
  12. People said that the real name of the Rain King is Puncture King... I don't know because I never used Continental but people said that...
  13. Imagine ride completely naked... This is the really FREE STYLE...
  14. Try to clean it with spirit.
  15. HAHAAHA! Super funny video! Sometimes seems like you don't think before do the trick or do things too fast
  16. 315r

    Gu Sl

    Fantastic Bike, I'm between this gu and Zoo piranha, I don't know which prefer. Excuse me but I don't know if I understan it well, Do you want to change this frame for a horizontal drop outs one just because you need a tensioner?
  17. 315r

    Zoo Piranha

    Yes, althoug 1499 is a good bike, at least for me.. this zoo looks amazing, I like it to much! If you miss your 1499 maybe if we meet in Barcelona we can change the bikes Don't worry, it's a joke.
  18. Yes, I Know the Rockman and Koxx issue but I didn't know the ZHI / Viz. And yes althoug both have differente names, looks more or less the same. OK.
  19. Wich of both? because front it's VIZ and rear ZHI
  20. 315r

    My New Bike

    Rear wheel is a try-all reinforced with square holes? Looks like it.
  21. 315r

    Zoo Piranha

    Nice nice nice nice!!!! This frame is the short one? or long?
  22. UUPPSSS!! Excuse-me. I'm Spaniard and sometimes I don't fully understand what you are saying :$ :$ :$ I understand your comment just in opposite way, sorry :$
  23. WOW!! Do you really love Onza!!!! Are you sponsored by onza or something like that? Or it's just because you like it? And yes, I prefer the last one in green, sorry
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