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Sam Styles

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Everything posted by Sam Styles

  1. your now contradicting yourself. congratulations.
  2. im going to repetedly drop my bike on the floor tomorow, and see how long it takes to crack
  3. are you stupid? taking care of your bike? it cracks because you ride it, and the stress on the frame makes it eventually cracks. taking care of your bike has nothing to do with it at all. you could keep your bike as clean as you want, regularly greese things, all that kinda stuff.... it will have no effect on weather your frame cracks at all!! at the end of the day, trials bikes are made to take different kinds of abuse from riding, not made to be "taken care of". and what i cant get my head around is why do people care about so much weight stuff, what is the difference in weight? like 50g? come on man, grow up, ride your bike and stop being a idiot. its not like your at the limit of trials riding where a few g's make a difference, i dont care about weight, the only thing i care about is having a good strong part. i have seen far more snapped echos than zoo's. if you think about it, an echo is a thinner, and lighter version of a zoo... therefor it not being as strong. rant over
  4. WOW, some huge moves there, and some big power! huge front moves! i really liked this vid! nice find man!!
  5. Sam Styles

    New Hs33 Brake

    snapped, cracked. load of rubbish. the new version is obviously better designed, and hasnt got all the week points as in the 05 lever.
  6. Sam Styles

    New Hs33 Brake

    i hate the 05, in 1 year i have broke 4! i cant wait for the new one!
  7. Sam Styles

    New Hs33 Brake

    i did read the blog, but it didnt say which design it was in the picture, so i just wondered
  8. Sam Styles

    New Hs33 Brake

    yeah i could see it was a sticker lol, i mean like, is it a special adition eg. hs33 carbon. cause i wouldnt mind one
  9. Sam Styles

    New Hs33 Brake

    why is the one in carbon fibre? im guessing this is an extra (costing more money)?
  10. ive just put a new bb in today because my old bb spacers worn down, leaving a groove in the spacers, allowing the cranks to wobble and be at an angle... take the arms off and have a look at the spacers. would be helpfull though knowing what bb it is
  11. you guys have some big power! the side hop off the container edge, and the co-ordinated sidehops did it for me
  12. Sam Styles

    Ross M - 24

    only bit of advise i can give is when you go to 360... look down under your sholder in the direction you are spinning in. you are looking above, which makes you pivort on the back wheel after a 180. with a bit of practise you'll get it other than that i really enjoyed that vid!! one of my fav bits was where you rear taped that building on a bit of a lip pure genius. keep it up man
  13. yes, you really cant go wrong with a odyssey hazzard lite, with a primo mix hub. odyssey 7ka rims are very strong aswell but more expensive
  14. im really clued up on bmx stuff, so if you choose a part... and post it on here, ill give my advise (generally more expensive is better lol)
  15. anodised rims have taken over now, chrome is still around, but not as widely used. if you go to an indoor skatepark, you will still see loads of chrome rims lol. the rim on my bmx is a bright yellow power coat (primo 7005), and i run clear pads. clear pads make any rim surface good at braking, compared to normal black pads etc... hope i helped mate lol http://www.pinkbike.com/photo/4534360/ << my bmx (dont ride it anymore, trials is the way forward)
  16. nice vid sam i really enjoyed that and i could have watched more!! will look forward to seeing some footage from down under
  17. just started the corvette up with no exhaust pipes on, just headers :D :D :D :D ITS LOUD!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sam Styles

      Sam Styles

      my dad does lol, haha!

    3. Sam Styles

      Sam Styles

      sound quality isnt great, but it gives you an idea lol

    4. Revolver


      I am very jealous.

  18. its okay mate, ive sorted it now, i need a new bb. and they are zoo cranks. yeah its a pain in the arse :@ lol
  19. the splines are perfect. its the bb spacer that has been, indented, so the crank arm moves more in on the bb axle.
  20. i have found the problem!!!!! right... i have found out that the bb spacer has, affectively, worn away, and left a groove where the crank arm pushes up against... therefore, the crank bolt would have been tight on the bb axle, but the crank would still have room to move as the spacer had given it the room. this explains why the bolt was tight and the crank still wobbled. now, i have tried grips to get the spacer off, but it will not budge, so i am going to have to buy a new bb ( just a cheep and chearfull to tide me over ). right now i am in the procces of bodgeing the groove with one of my legendary cable tie bodges xD should hopefully order a bb tonight cheers everyone for your help (i got the arm off with a hammer) thanks guys Sam
  21. nice one james im jelous cause your vid was better than mine :/
  22. been around for years lol, how did you not see them before? easten bikes do a grip called "ribbed" and in the product description is says for your pleasure
  23. thats neil tunnicliffe, and hes using a hope pro2
  24. no way could you take it off by hand! i will see if i can borrow james crank tool, if i ask him nicely... i think i may try the handle bar thing! that sounds really good! but not my bmx ones they were bloody 65 quid :L cheers guys, im gonna see what i can do
  25. it was almost in slow motion as you went round haha! thanks mate, i enjoyed laughing at that
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