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Sam Styles

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Everything posted by Sam Styles

  1. do not scam!! edit: reported
  2. http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/media.php?group=guides&id=2 please use the seach bar, its there for a reason. there was a topic just like this last week!
  3. my mate built some on his mtb street bike, found it very hard to build straight, and he ended up folding it within a month :/
  4. its personal preferance and depends if you feel confident enough to do it yourself. powercoating is fairly cheep i think, possibly £40-£50 for a frame. if i was you, i would just take alot of time and care doing it myself, and make sure i got a good finish and then laquer it
  5. please dont bump your videos! someone else has already said to leave it to TF members to comment on your video and see how far it goes, it doesnt need to be bumped
  6. wow! this has got to be one of the best videos i have seen for a while!! amazing, beastly riding there! i wanna see more!
  7. yeah i seem to rememeber that! i try side hops and gaps when i am out on my bmx for a laugh, and its surprisingly fun :L but trials is deffinatly better
  8. !! still, some good riding though dudes
  9. i have found my strengh over you haha!! finally :L still some good ridin for 2 weeks though dude
  10. lmao troy! your just terroring that kid now :L!!!!! funny shit!!!!
  11. hammer? or i spose you could try taking the tyre, tube and rim tape out, and using a flat head screwdriver in the back of the nipple. i have done this before, but make sure you have plenty of preasure pushing down on the nipple else it is likely to round off edit: i think i have mis-read the topic? i thought it said, anything but a spokekey :$
  12. i really enjoyed that video, mod is deffinatly more your thing. will look forward to seeing some more videos of you on a mod nice one dude
  13. leaving your bike outside un attended is a silly thing to do. never do that again my bikes are covered on the house insurance, so im not to sure about a seperate insurance just for the bike. i would have thought that it wouldnt be to much to insure, depending on the value of your bike. possibly £30 a year? complete guess
  14. waranty? i would asume something like that would be covered under manufacture defects ?
  15. the last moves on those inspireds where amazing! definatly pushing to the limit there! by the way... shin pads might help, just a little bit, i find they do :L
  16. do you rate the rockman rotar over the standard hope one? looks like a nice ride mate
  17. nice one bella now i need to be in the next vid!!
  18. yeah lol, a booster should help with the noise anyways mate
  19. so do kings... ive got a few mates who have had or have kings and they skip a far bit. when a king skips... it SKIPS but when i profile skips, it isnt as bad. i dont trust kings, but thats just my opinion anyways
  20. nope, i have citrus pads and they are loud as f**k! ive had them for about 2 months so thats not true dude. have you tried a booster to stop the vibrations?
  21. if you wanna get a funday sunday like me, dont get a complete one because they arnt the same frame. the frames are there own are better. custom build and mirra frame are rubbish, ive had a blend 3 and it was crap. odyssey cranks are good twombolts, but im not to keep on the little plastic clip thing
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