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Sam Styles

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Everything posted by Sam Styles

  1. i didnt have any problems either
  2. some of those rocks looked a little rough was it just me or did the atmosphere of the rocks look like something out of "The Hills Have Eyes"? great video!!!
  3. hi mike, i am ready to buy some pads now, in the aluminium backings how much, and is paypal okay?
  4. 101 moves to do on a bench nice riding dude, some nice static moves
  5. Sam Styles

    Charity Show

    nice one bella, shame i couldnt make it aparently there is one next year?? so i will make sure i can do that one!
  6. has got half his video done :) god knows how long the other half is gonna take

  7. haha troy is getting owned :giggle:
  8. i would go for the creepy crawlers, i have one on the front, used to have them on boths wheels on my old bike. echo are a hard compound i think, and tend to slip alittle easier on railings and stuff? but yeah anyways, creepy crawlers are the one
  9. Sam Styles

    Funny Bail :p

    i love chain snap bails funny but harsh at the same time.... i dont think anyone will ever forget snapping a chain!! nice vid lol
  10. hi mate, if you say you want to go down the streety trials way, like danny mac, then you want to get a 24", a bike like the inspired is best. shipping is a tough one as people generaly dont want to ship that far but its worth a try . if you buy a bike new, they will ship to you, but its whether you want 2nd hand, or new. hope this helps dude Sam
  11. he did actually make it, i was there dude, and no im not that keen on that editing either.... Neil, tut tut i remember one of the first times i rode with neil and i got him to sign my old frame nout wrong with that dude
  12. R.I.P Gav, my thoughts are with his family, and its truely devestating to have someone pass away
  13. hang in there gav, commit to getting better! stay strong and pull through!! ive got my fingers crossed dude!!
  14. my attempt at making the blue one green. its not the actual ZOO! colour, but its the best i could do. hope this helps dude!
  15. my front hub blew a bearing some time last year, and i just rode on with it... eventually the bearing completely grinded itself away i filled my hub with bits of brake cable, zip ties and greese. this is one of my many proud bodges i know this doesnt really help you but im sharing my experiance lol
  16. i can do that crankflip amazing rider!! nice find
  17. couldnt make it this year, but next year if its on, i am going to try hard to come (giggidy)!!
  18. R.E exam today :/ not looking forward to it :/ but i am liking the new features of the forum :)

  19. it searches for things, dur
  20. try using the seach bar? im sure that can help you as there are many threads like this
  21. my mom has one that says R5 KLS, where the 5 looks like an S. its both of my parents initials. my dad has a plate on his porsche that has 911 in it. loads of my dads mates have them, one says, BR3AST (you get the idea) loads of his mates have plates with TVR on their TVRs funnily enough lol. C3rby ( on mates TVR cerbra) if thats how you spell it. my aunite has one, marrrrger ( her name is margret) sirlle ( mates called sirrel and has 997 gt3 ) GT07 BAD, on 997 gt3 EV05 FLY ( on an evo 8 fq300. Evos fly ) trying to think of more, i think they really make that extra little touch to your car, and they are brilliant. worth getting one, and when i get a car i will be getting one.
  22. its fine on 10mm axles, all decent modern bmx front hubs have 10mm front axles. they will obvo be stronger, but it would take some beating ... specially for a front peg.
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