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Everything posted by AndyT

  1. AndyT

    Worlds Vid

    hayyyy i wanted to make my own post :D
  2. bell ends all around!! :) :D
  3. great smooth and controlled riding :)
  4. None of the frames posted in that thread are american frames FYI...
  5. AndyT

    Rowan Johns

    AMAZING :) :D :S :S
  6. I would at least fix the tracking on Sam holmes design before you put that into print
  7. fantastically fun vid :angry:
  8. f**k me i thought he was going to go to those 3 logs!! Massive! The sidehop to the booth wasn't small either <_<
  9. just threw some ideas around on my lunch break, let me know what you think... (don't think you areinto this gothic style, but i used it more for a t-shirt): the shirt (all original imagery, left over from a previous project...sorry about the watermark if you want one without it this is all vector so any size is possible and its easy to print- screen and digital): wow that image automatically resizes...this was huge a little bit ago. same with this as well, about 2/3rds the original size and quality jpeg: Again this is only a little over an hours work, let me know if you like anything. I usually put in a few days for logos but then again I charge a lot more than pads <_<
  10. right just got home.... you want heatsink and www.heatsinkpads.com or bikes.com on it as well? Need t-shirt designs as well? Anything else?
  11. is jimbo (james hyland) still riding? Only talked to hima few times since koxx days...sad he didn't have the funds to come out to usa this summer :ermm:
  12. AndyT

    New Site

    As others said...I would've maybe waited to get it all rolling. I've got a project going right now which has been in the works for over a month and you have to pay attention to every detail. I'm teaching myself flash for crying out loud... Not sure about t-shirts 1-4, nothing special about them. I do like #5, but you don't have any in stock? Might have at least wanted to wait for them to come in stock before announcing your product.
  13. If this is open for a while I'd like to put some entries in. On vacation far away from my office until sunday night though :(
  14. one color...means one color, and when you are printing things black = a color :) just an FYI for those working for this, I'm about to go on vacation in a few hourse but I basically do logos and other design work for a living. KISS = keep it simple stupid :) Work with a basic font that mr. heatsink likes and work around it.
  15. There should be alot more replies to this vid...amazing riding! (Y) :D :P
  16. After a few weeks (or months for some people) of riding a frame you will get so used to it that a few mm differences in length or different angles don't really matter...One won't make you better than the other, they are both great frames and in the end you will ride either one just as well.
  17. Enjoyable shit m8; check it and smoke a fat spliff as you dig the tunes :P
  18. AndyT

    European Vid

    you must realise that box was completely soaked and slippery as a whale :P
  19. AndyT

    Site Redesigned

    actually like it says if you want to PM me before you send out the final deals for print let me know...some things like kerning/leading and other spacing are often left out in the amateur designer. Many people won't notice it but it makes a huge difference. I really do enjoy that picture though; great concept.
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