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Mr Clayton

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Everything posted by Mr Clayton

  1. Ive always thought the same about the metal rings in the ground too! Good find Ali Ross
  2. Wish id of known u guys were at the flappit, i live like 2 mins away from it, could of nipped up foir a bit! Good video anyway, nice riding from both of you!
  3. Lol speedrace is a con! and maladie frames feel like shit totally wrong geo!!
  4. LOL i got one of these frame of speedrace! he sent it out for me! i told him the geo was all f**ked up on back chainstay area couldnt tension chain etc..... so he told me to file the bits out where the axle goes in to make the wheel sit further forward They look nice but shitly made IMO!
  5. well thats made me think wether i want one of these, a hydroxx of the slate 2! That is one nice bike! does it feel flicky? and do you think it would be good for natural riding?
  6. good riding! never heard of you before will look out for more!
  7. its lazenski on tolls account, me and ross will definately be there with the stoppage at mr underlays house may be bringing couple of other lads with us, sconeybay you going you slut you best be ready to get analaited by moi
  8. williamson its ben on tolls account riding was sweet loved musical tune aswell as ross has said your improving quick, when we sorting me coming down your end? xx
  9. padarik its lazenby gimme a ring dude 07597191670 we need to sort a ride out i aint seen you in time, sawelsome riding man is it true your mates with damon?
  10. HAHA ignore the post ladies! Ben lazerpen, thought it would be funny to write this up
  11. Liked that alot! good work! toms riding that rockman 10 times better than his koxx!
  12. have you tried pulling the brake lever?
  13. ive just heard that damon got his leg and arm broken but they said he was run over by a horse and cart but that cant be true can it?does anyone else know whats really happened is he okay how long till he will be hopping about again? anyone let me know sooon as please thanks x
  14. i did have it, but i had to delete a load of shit of my hardrive! is it where u try sidehoppin over rail mike and back wheel catches?
  15. Spot on improving shitloads, wish i could ride like that! Keep it up Ross
  16. hey all heres bens new clips which he wont be using in the dvd its got a lot of stunts in there, big thanks to steven at heatsink for bens sawelsome braking capabilities linky awaits
  17. I'm guessing its going to be the back end of this year as I'm planning on editing a dvd with a friend, with lots of riders in! just need a bit more footage at the moment! Thanks!
  18. ERM.... Wow! Sam what have you been eating? see you tomorrow dude
  19. nice 1 man mint riding uve improved but im sick of hearing that song in all new videos!! See you tomorrow
  20. Absoluely amazing Steve - O pads sound quality and they look to hold immense too! maybe see you sunday at comp? HEATSINKBIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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