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Kieran Morrison

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Everything posted by Kieran Morrison

  1. Click for funny benito photo! Hey Benito... Do the roar! :bow:
  2. How can you make hour long songs?!

  3. Hello, this time, this isn't me. This is my mate Dougie. But this was a while ago, he has had his bike about 4 months or 5 months now, and this was after 2 months. Comments/Advice accepted (and constuctive critism). Just to let you know he is on TF, but he doesnt know how to do this and is never really on so.... Well enough of me! Enjooyyy. PS. Yes, the clip of his brother is strange for a trials video, oh well.
  4. He didnt just get it, he has ahad it a few months and it pretty good on it!
  5. Sorry to take over your topic a bit but you all seem to know about the new iphones so I have a question. Apparently the iPhone 4 they have stopped making for pay as you go and you have to have a contract. So I was told I might be getting one for my christmas but not anymore because they only do them on contract now. Does jailbreaking it mean it allows it to take sim again? Cheers.
  6. The reason we have to validation system is so that scammers and those computer bot things that spam dont get to use the full site. I f we let a scammer in just because he asked OR if we didnt have the validation system, everybody would be scammed. Not saying this guy is a scammer, but you have to wait just like everybody else and get validated.
  7. [img] Link of the photo [/img] Without the bold...of course.
  8. Aha, you legend. Seriously though you have to get validated. your basicaly asking. Which is against the rules. STOP. This is like the tenth thread you have made today.
  9. He isnt validated? And on topic, dude, that wasnt much of a ride. I was doing crap that day lol. Still 'twas good fun, and great to meet you all. Ride again soon mate.
  10. Why can't he just copy it? Its a trials forum link, you cant get on it because your not validated TF is the best place, start making your post quality good and you will get validated quickly.
  11. I dont think you should be riding a hotel.... good video though
  12. So is Ejay free? I know Acid will no doubt be expensive because all sony's stuff is. Right?
  13. to be honest mate if i was you just stick it on ebay you will get alot more for it. As most people on here have got bikes then you get the odd person coming on wanting a bike and being directed to ebay.
  14. Is that the one that was 700 new? if so i'd say £330-£380 maybe if its ingood condition.
  15. Front freewheel (echo tr/sl depending on your budget!), new pedals, new bars, new forks, new front brake, better padsm rear sprocket, new bashring, new grips (trialstech foamiesss) and thats it. Kieran
  16. Yo pete. Nice vid mate, we got to ride again sometime. LOL theres me cycling along the wall at 0:32 :') Edit: Also, you stole my song!
  17. So start with the basic stuff? I'm gonna take a look at Kev Willow, he has a few FL tutorials for complete begginers. Though I will try Music2000, Rave E-Jay,Traktor etc... Cheers.
  18. I was gonna post that, but thought i shouldnt... Fair enough man, have fun abusing something you are on most of the time.
  19. I think it was a 'TF is crap' thread.
  20. Oh, sorry mate, didnt realise you were new. A few names to youtube are Damon watson (best TGS rider), Gilles Coustellier, Guillermo Marin (just a plain,awesome rider), Kenny Bealey, Ali C and a few others who i cant think of on the spot. Oh wait, try Brodie F, Danny McBean aswell. Both awesome riders.
  21. Why is it that everytime you see this kind of riding it is compared to Danny Mac? Who actualy said he wants to beat Danny Mac?
  22. Cheers mate, if you do come across it then it would be great if you could tell me what its called
  23. Cool, I'll try and come up with something later.
  24. Lol, sorry I have seen people call it fruitloops and fruity loops so i was confused. Well when Alex walked me through a song last night it seemed quite easy but i forgot everything cos after he told me one thing i forgot the other. Thinik I will practise doing what i did last night (the song i did) so i can remmeber how to use the bass + melody and im gonna mess about with different channels and such. Cheers. Another question, can you make pretty good songs on the demo?
  25. Its places like barrow farm and this that make me wish I live in England Good find, when you havee a ride there, tell us how good it is if you can
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