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Kieran Morrison

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Everything posted by Kieran Morrison

  1. Kieran Morrison


    Yeah nazi zombies lol.
  2. He goes around a foot back from where he actualy takes off because he rolles then gaps, gets him alot further beleive me.
  3. Kieran Morrison


    Anyone seen 'Outpost'? Im about to watch it and it looks pretty good!
  4. He isnt really warming up, that was my first thoughts aswell, but oh well he can call it what he wants.
  5. Anybody got any comments about the riding at all?
  6. Not really? Go away, reporteeeeeeeeeeed.
  7. Hey, well here is Darren's new video. He would of put it on here but he doesnt know how to and he never put his others on. After 6 months of no riding (well, no riding his own bike!) Darren is back and better than ever. Here is a warm up vid of him on his new Gu, please, dont clog the thread with 'hemet' and wear a helmet etc, he is getting one soon. Enjoy... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cY1IdhtTUx8&feature=mfu_channel Comments please.
  8. The Python geo is apparently completly different its the lynx thats the same. Just type it in on the search bar. I like the echo, very nice riding bike but then again the python is completly different. The Lynx is a good bike, and costs alot less than a python!
  9. That. Was. Awesome. Very good riding, how old are you and how long you been riding for? Enjoyed it, post your next one on here too
  10. Nice dude, cant wait for your next long video. Keep it up
  11. Deffinitly better hold and the bite is pretty good.
  12. Or just tuck 'em into your socks. Well only the side with your freewheel on it, you dont want to look like a total ned... Lol.
  13. Is it the drive side or non-drive side? I had problems with both sides, for the drive side, my bb was too short so everytime my cranks rotated it loosened the bb off, the non-drive side just needed tightened HARD. Give it a really good tighten using all your strength. I think loctite would be last choice solution.
  14. Pretty nice, dont really like the yellow though lol, so you put your heatsinks back on? Were the bealeys not as good?
  15. Okay I'll PM you just now, thanks alot! Would a standard lever blade make a difference? I'm gonna buy a new tpa aswell as mine isnt working just now, ill buy the metal ones.
  16. What? When i asked if he saw it i wasnt saying 'oh he snapped his zoo that means your zhi/bionic will snap '
  17. How am I talking crap? It had nothing to do with the topic (hints the OT part ) and it was tunni who snapped his zoo pirahna?
  18. Phone select? (if thats even possible) Trials-bikes.com? Your local bike shop? Trialprod? I dont know if any of these places sell them, but they are the trials shops i know mof except tarty. I have a pair in blue, but selling them to some guy ill let you know if he bails out, if he does bail out would you like them? they are practically brand new, very few scratches, £10 posted.
  19. Do they not sell phat pads anymore? D:
  20. Oh I get what aener was saying now. It was £80 for shipping? Jesus christ!
  21. Get the ZHI then? Lol, your saying that after asking this - do they crack in a certain place if so where? The zhi is what i would go for, but i admit the bionic is alright aswell. Your choice, whatever you like, go for it OT here but have you watched tunniclife's zoo snap? LOL EDIT- ZHI ZHI ZHI ZHI ZHI ZHI ZHI ZHI ZHI
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