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Everything posted by bike_dummie

  1. You are lifting too heavy! Dont do a split and certainly don't do supersets like previously suggested! Fully body workouts consisting of compound movements - 5 sets and 5 reps - 1 to 2 minutes rest between sets. Standard Deadlift Squat Dumbbell Chest Press Dumbbell Rows Press Ups Pull ups Simple stretches at the end. This will work your whole body, do the work out 2 or 3 times a week. Lift with 100% form push the weights up fast lower them slowly to build strength. 1 second from bottom to top 4 seconds from top to bottom
  2. Read these when picking supplements especially a pre-work out in particular http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/state-of-the-art-supplement-manufacturing-what-you-need-to-know.html http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/does-your-pre-workout-supplement-suck.html
  3. Don't want to sound rude but have you 'Read up a bit on the supplement industry before posting their product information here.. ' because id say BCAA are rather important and one of the few actually proven supplements! They defiantly do make a difference if you take them or not. ​Pre-work outs are bullshit too, all those added ingredients are fairy dusted meaning there is so little it will not actually give a benefit other than they can write it on the ingredient list! You would be best off with a cup of coffee and a banana! If you wanted a good pre-work out there are some real good ones out there but do your research as they are a huge placebo most of the time, pre-Jym is a good one! Pre-Workout = Caffiene and bulking powder.
  4. Pretty much Haz has covered most of it but what i would add is really focus on MMC (muscle mind connection). Its not easy to get the hang of properly when starting out as it will be very conscious along with focusing on form etc. Best way to explain the basic MMC would squeeze at the hardest part of the lift. http://www.kratosguide.com/the-mind-muscle-connection/ http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=153361071 Also as Haz mentioned throw some dumbbells in! But make sure you keep 100% form as other muscles can take over slightly leaving you with the same problem. Also read this whilst getting those links and it really does sum up MMC very well - My dad (was a competitive bodybuilder when he was young) always stresses to me the importance of visualising the contraction of your muscles when he comes to the gym with me. I'll be doing standing hammer curls for example, and he'll tell me to slow down and picture the bicep working, the blood rushing into it. I really think it helps, in the long run.
  5. Don't worry about being smaller compared to the rest, all gotta start somewhere! In fact a lot of proper lifters have a good level of respect for starters! Only times people take the mickey is when you lift with an ego! Low weight in order to keep 100% form - How much you lift is irrelevant, form is everything!
  6. Monday - Chest and triceps. Tuesday - Back and traps. Wednesday - Quads and Calfs Thursday - Rest Friday - Shoulders and biceps Saturday - Hamstrings and glutes Sunday - Taekwondo
  7. Whole Milk, powdered oats, whey and pure peanut butter mixed up in a shaker = Sorted - contains everything you need, better than any meal replacement, gainer shake etc on the market at a fraction of the cost. Throw some of these in between meals, id say they have 500ish quality calories! I have two a day and they are very good at filling the gap. Also the whole eat every two hours may not be the best way to go, i eat a constant supply of food, worked much better for me then every two hours. Maybe try that or have read a few studies that starving the body 4 hours between meals is good too, it is something to do with uptake of amino acids etc and synthesis. I cant really remember the details because it didn't work for me but it has worked for a few training buddys. On another note, good leg day deadlifted 170kg 5 reps for 4 sets so that will be going up next week, alot!
  8. All very valid points! Can only ever be used as a comparator. Personally my intake before my test is pretty much the same on that front and its in an static free room so i cant imagine it would have any majorly big factors impacting on it? As mike says, the mirror is the ultimate fat tester
  9. 25.9% down to 21.8% looking to drop down to 15% by the end of the year. Electric testing device, sends an electric current through the body and measures resistance its accurate every time but i do take two or three tests in case there is a problem. Strict diet and solid training and i will hit all my goals by the end of the year hopefully...
  10. Fat percentage dropped 4.1% in a month and still eating like a monster! Gonna attempt the 42.5kg dumbells on chest press Monday, feeling strong
  11. Ive been eating peanut butter on my rivitas for over a year now everyday, getting abit boring now...
  12. Totally off the subject but anybody got some good suggestions to go on rivita? Gotta be low sugar and carb but high in protein with reasonable in fat. However back on subject trying for 180kg deadlift tomorrow wish me luck
  13. Thank you, I think i will download them onto a stick today to save the hassle of finding them tomorrow I have an esd strap already from work so no harm in using it but wont bother buying a mat I will take a wonder and see if i can find one then, would be good to practice on an old pc before i assemble mine. Thanks for putting up with all my dumb questions this pc stuff is still very new to me...
  14. Thanks for the advice guys, gonna sound silly but what are the drivers? What are they for too? Is an esd wrist strap enough or should i get a mat aswell? More of a one off build but would be adding items such as graphics cards, HDD as and when i need them. I have no way of getting any old components either.
  15. Any tips on putting a pc together? Never put anything like this together and really don't wanna screw it up! but hey how hard can it be Also a good 'how to' guide would be cool if somebody's got one? Thanks
  16. Again if your serious i would try and cut bread out and only use it as a must. Bread is not bad for you but again its not particularly good for you. If bread is a must there is one that is high in everything you need and low in what you don't. I will find it out again later for you. For bread replacement especially for lunch time meals try these out! http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/healthy-recipes-5-breadless-sandwiches.html Bodybuilding.com is great for recipes and nutritional information especially the kind of things your after! Give it a look some of the desserts sound and the ones I've made are sooo tasty yet packed with all the nutrients you could need! Bet you'd never thought you hear that XD Vegetables such as leafy greens, near all types of peas, broccoli and beans are all some of the highest in protien. Broccoli also reduces estrogen levels hence its so popular! Like nature's steroids Where you thinking of being vegetarian before you made this thread? If you were thats great! But if not eat meat! Being vegetarian is an ethical thing not a nutritional decision. Meat is a much better source of nutrition especially protien. Plant protien is not as complete as meat protien for human consumption. Plant protien is designed for a plants growth not ours and to be fair, we are nothing like plants so its not the optimum protien for us. Unlike plant protien, meat it is much more suited to us as it was designed to build muscles etc these meats will be high in leucine etc which are essential protiens. Not trying to put you off just helping you make the right decision for your means. Mentioned in-complete protein in the previous bit and it probably sounds abit wtf you cannot gain a complete protien from food you consume thats why we eat a variety of food. Protien is made up of amino acids which as a collective make protien. To have a complete protien you need all of these but that's not going to happen. Thats why we eat a range of food as say there are 5 amino acids making a complete protien. Your broccoli has 1 to 4 but an incomplete protien is useless so you can eat say a peice of beef and it now contains protien 5 you have a complete protien that your body can utilise. Its a lot more complicated than all of that but that's the tipnof the iceberg simplified. Also the only complete protien would bea supplement like whey protein etc. Lunches eat high fibre foods and alot of leafy greens ect you will feel like you are eating alot when really your not as they're mainly water this keeps satiety whilst nutritioning well!
  17. Gonna go against the grain and say drastic changes like this are not bad at all. However i wouldn't cut carbs out for more than 21 days even though your body can live without you will fall into a downward spiral. If your taking it seriously i would cycle carbs on and off after the 21 days starting at 120% of the recommended allowance.This keeps lepton (think that's the name) levels high which essentially keeps your metabolism going. Cutting carbs out reduces this, its also the reason alot of low/no carb diets are limited, you will reach a low body fat but plateu and loose no more. You will also be sooo low on energy by this point people usually binge back to square one. Also ignore RDA they are not what you should be following. Also alot have said eat low fat. NO! You NEED fat it is the main source of energy on a diet like this. You should be eating more fat than carbs all the way throughout this diet/lifestyle. Fat is used to transport vitamins etc through blood to the muscles without fat you can't and your muscles and body will suffer malnutrition. Going to contradict mynself here and say DO cut out transfat and hydrogenated fat, these are what give fat a bad name but people see fat as one big thing. These fats can also cause all kinds of havoc its even suggested that transfats have links to various types of cancer! Cut out hydrogenated fats and transfats but eat more saturated and un saturated fats! Protein, your diet should consist mainly of protein! Your body needs protien for everything its not just muscles but everything, your hair, skin, fingernails and best of all no matter how much your eat it will not make you fat! Excess protien is dispersed in urine, dead skin, faeces etc not bodily fat! Not particularly tondo with anything but eat foods like leafy greens they will help keep satiety. As remember to eat in volume when you are on a diet such as this. Don't eat calorie dense foods! Calories per gram. 4cal - per gram of protien 4cal - per gram of carbs 8cal - per gram of fat 7cal - per gram of alcohol (i think) but these aren't just calories they're a toxin that stops the body processing foods as energy so anything you eat ect especially sugar will just go on as fat! Recommend daily allowance. 2 grams of protien per pound of body weight 1 gram of carbs per pound of body weight 1.4 grams of fat per pound of body weight When cycling carbs if you do, you must change the above reducing carbs and adding more fat and protien.
  18. Why not fit a headlock instead?
  19. http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/mobile/hope-rotor-spacer/rp-prod3288 - maybe try these?
  20. Does it look like this? https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSzTa6bc2QQU-Vic7BFj9SEnRX4N8Sovwv-PHrJDrNFKQoT0A3TnOv9KcPbNg
  21. I see where you're coming from and i have no real idea how it works but i have read that a percentage of carbs gets dumped into the larger intestine before digestion whilst the remaining ones will be utilised by the body? In turn effectively reducing the fat put on from my high carb as the difested level being reduced causing less excess un used carbs? I have but i cant reduce it too much or my meals would become too small as my mum usually uses food such as potatoes to bulk it out.
  22. This is the carb blocker i am looking to use: http://m.myprotein.com/sports-nutrition/carb-blocker/10575136.html
  23. Huuggee bump but i cant seem to find my answer anywhere else... Carb blockers? Anygood? My aim is to carry on building mass and gaining strength but i wanna loose abit of this fat i have accumulated over the winter. I know i eat alot of carbs, probably too many but i live at home still so my diet kinda follows what the rest if the family eats, not a bad diet but lots of pasta, potatoes ect. So my question is if i take them will they help me loose some of this fat and if they do will the cause me to loose/ stop gaining muscle mass in the process? Thanks, Adam
  24. Think ive seen one if these in the forsale thread for an 04 magura. Maybe worth a check?
  25. Is that Damons old ozonys? Think it had a slacker head angle than standard but do t hold me to it
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