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Everything posted by bike_dummie

  1. We will be able to get there for 7? Would that be any goods for a ride?
  2. Hi, Just a quick quistion but how strong are the Try-all/Rockman stems? I will be using TrialTech HighRise bars
  3. Best radfest video i have seen so far Wish i could have been there
  4. How come? Genuinely interested as I've always wondered why it says it wont work but in my head it would?
  5. bike_dummie

    2014 hs33

    Hahah, fancy giving us a quick review when you get it?
  6. bike_dummie

    2014 hs33

    Grantham (forum name) has a pair of 2014 levers for sale?
  7. Defiantly 31.8 we have one sitting in the garden
  8. hi, Kinda a yes or no question i just wanna know can i cut ADM material to fit some Heatsink backings? Thanks Adam
  9. Jaf bikes extension? They have a range of sizes available
  10. That looks very nice and reminds me of the older sky's and ZHI teams. Headtube should be rather strong as it has loads of weld contact relying on the metal being given reasonably thick, but you can't see this in the pictures
  11. Very interested to see how these turn out! Really like The design and the idea of a 'flex frame' which I pressume means it's kinda like a spring? Everyone saying how it won't work ect this guy has had 20 years experience riding trials so he must know something I think this will be good just it may need some kind of gusset on those 2 smaller tubes that form the tops tube as they don't have much weld contact
  12. Thanks it looks so much nicer in real life though Hahaha if you say so XD Thanks Ali but it should be gone by tonight
  13. No BnQ won't sell sell starchem but just give it a Google its not hard to find. Caustic is available most places. Starchem I would just brush it on with some type of paintbrush but caustic will need to be soaked kinda like an acid dip in presume but keep checking it as you may do more harm than good. Left a top cap in some and after a while it had totally disappeared
  14. Nitromorse - Nope unless you can get the older stuff. caustic - People say it doesn't strip paint but it does it just takes longer but be carefull as metals such as aluminium it will eat away at so maybe fit an old headset, bb, bolts ect Acid dip - Don't know much about that but i have seen and heard that it does a good job but might not be cheap? Blasting - Read over the forum it can cause stress risers Starchem seems to be best to me Only paint stripper that works so i have been told rather like the old nitromorse 5L - £20
  15. Standard Inspired fork just a Skye frame
  16. Recently got myself a skye but i font think streety riding is for me and now realize why i sold my last streety build on But oh well here are the pictures If anyone is interested i may part with it for around £500
  17. Anyone to buy any type of steel bolt there is a fool! Just go to your local fastener. I usually buy a 100 bolts if I ever need any even if I only need 2 simply because they are so cheap! Usually on average 5p for a bolt! That's for plated or stainless.
  18. That is one of the nicest fourplays I have seen to date! Why do you have your brake levers at that angle though? Seen it on a few streety bikes
  19. Soooo much nicer than your other bikes! but raw those cranks along with the headset!
  20. I think that is what I will do thanks. I will bore it out deeper so it allows for room to be cut down whilst not having to use a star nut My question has been answered Thanks Luke
  21. It won't be possible to shorten the steerer tube as the extension is made from a solid piece of titanium so there would be no room for the top cap How many stickers is usually ran on a fourplay? Would that be any good to start? What I really need to know is the actual length of the steerer tube, what would be good length to start at?
  22. Hi, I have got a 70mmx35° stem for my inspired skye but nice am unsure how many stickers to run. I have a standard set of inspired forks that in have made an extension for but once it has been fitted it won't be possible to shorten it. So how many stickers do you guys recommend? Thanks, Adam
  23. Great video! Love these sorta TGS videos with a unique style! But those socks and shorts
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