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Everything posted by F.N.G

  1. F.N.G

    First Person Videos

    Thanks, I thought It was amazing when I first watched it. It still is!
  2. Yes definitely do. but If your doing tailwhips and stuff cut it but Make it so the cable can go round the bars and stem twice. But a very nice bike!
  3. F.N.G

    3 Videos

  4. You are great, smooth and very quick no hesitating. nice one!
  5. Rowan Johns, and Joe maher. many more but they are at top in my opinion!.
  6. I agree with Ben. Brilliant edit brilliant riding. Bravo!
  7. I have always wondered this... Does Adam@Tartybikes pay for his gear, or does he get it for free?

  8. I love it, But I wish you didn't put those tartybike stickers on, no offense to Adam but It just does not suit the bike. In other places, I love it!. Too bad about the bottom bracket though
  9. F.N.G

    3 Videos

    Nothing special just a few clips I forgot to put on from the DJ memorial ride 2011 of me. It was mostly jumping off things that day since I have only recently tried to jump off things. Getting slowly better now from me doing some gaps at tartydays 2011 at night . My main goal now is to Get on that back wheel now. please reply on what you think of my riding on what I need to improve on etc and if you could, back wheel tips as well . http://vimeo.com/24432360 Also a James Woodbridge line at Cumberland basin (bristol). (Reminder) James was riding with a cracked chainstay this day, nutter! http://vimeo.com/24463332 And the 3rd And final video! It was very hard nailing this, took me several attempts as it shows in the video. Would of done some effects, but I just cant get a grip of it, too confusing http://vimeo.com/25634346 Thanks for viewing!
  10. I'll defo be there. Looks like its going to be fairly big. will we be able to buy clean stickers? Also for people who are looking for parking. there is one down next to mudock on the opposite side of the bridge (warping wharf) for £2.50 for 24 hours whic h is about 5,10 mins away from castle park
  11. oh are there any programs that allow you to do this? Also could you add more colors?
  12. i think that under the bikes when you go to choose one, it should say how many falls you have had with the bike
  13. I wanna have a go at it! Ill suck at it but I want to give it a go
  14. You know how to edit!. Great riding great vid. Whats the song?
  15. Ok so I found this on youtube Anyone know of any others,I am really interested of seeing more!
  16. I would like to see GET2 also. How are we going to watch it? on a big screen or a small TV EDIT: are ALL of the people who want to watch watching or is it only certain people?
  17. F.N.G

    New Onzas!

    In my opinion, Why cant they make as good lower speced bikes than they used to. The old ones were better, no offece, but thats my opinion
  18. F.N.G

    New Onzas!

    haha, yea. not much difference between the models anyway
  19. I like the dance at the beggining apart from that amazing riding and nice bike!
  20. The music goes so well with the riding, So impressed!
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