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Dai the Socket

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Everything posted by Dai the Socket

  1. Did you only just try alcohol last night or something?
  2. New job lol. Freshers everything! Simian Mobile Disco Skins Party Madness
  3. Silly Nah, Nice site. Every-thing's very organised, clear, systematic and logical which is what I've always liked about the TB website. Also your photos are really good which are something that other websites don't usually make the most out of.
  4. Yeah, They'll be a separate business entity and won't be underwritten by them. Still very risky.
  5. Well, I only just read that Dave was parting with Tartybikes.. Sorry I don't visit your site often 'cos I don't buy trials bits any more! And Dave's new plans sound really exciting and interesting, and want him to do well. That clear? lol..
  6. Doesn't IE hate transparency and PNG's with a passion?
  7. I asked 'cos I noticed the website was in a frame, so opened the frame and it gave the link of http://www.peteduffield.co.uk/photos.html so I just guessed.
  8. I've heard in the news that a lot of companies that offer stuff like 'redemptions' and 'cash back' have actually gone out of business, leaving a lot of people disappointed and out of pocket. New companies like that aren't reliable and I'd be really cautious!
  9. Bollocks. I lost concentration and forgot to watch the interviews after the race. Anywhere I can find them online?
  10. I think that the interviews afterwards are going to be a little more than interesting
  11. f**k that. Free entry in to the club 'cos I had a voucher and sold drank a lot quickly
  12. Oh my god! Sorry I got excited. forgot there was a topic already
  13. Haha f**k that. I spent £17.50 last night. Not too bad
  14. I know his sisters So yeh im hammered. Good effort tonight Only spent £15 an d im pretty slaughtered! Looking forward to jumping into my cumfy as f**k bed and sleeping in loaaaaaaads tomorrow. woooooooo. xx
  15. The government doesn't reward people who are outside of 'low income groups' - unfortunately. Thanks for the comments, ill keep them in mind. Kev goin' on about pills being student drugs haha well amusing. I've got quite a lot of pasta and some soup which I think ill have tomorrow with some bread. Although cheap bread is absolutely wank. I've got some cheques clearing soon which will make my bank flusher and yeah, having to spend £100 on my bike, £150 on books, £45 on a sport card, oh and £15 a week on snowboarding doesn't really help my case does it. Keep ideas coming though
  16. Hey. I was just wondering, anyone got any suggestions for my situation? I'm not sure if anyone else is / has been in this exact one so thought I'd post. Essentially I'm only 4 weeks in to my first semester at University, with £1200 of my student loan put in to my bank 4 weeks ago.... I have £400 left. Constant partying, expensive books, nice food and lots of take aways has kinda taken its toll. I don't have a overdraft set-up yet 'cos I didn't think I'd need one - actually I hope not to get one. Is the only way to work? I've got a my second job interview at Apple tomorrow, although no doubt I'll be paid monthly so won't be paid for ages. I get like £30 a week from being a photographer but still.. Any ways of saving money? How much do people usually spend a week when living in halls.... Thanks! Nick EDIT Oh and I don't think that a contract phone (£25), Motorbike insurance (£48) and gym membership (£22) a month help much.
  17. Nah, you can have 1 x 1gb in your computer. Same with any other size..
  18. Ah right, template I'm guessing then. "<!-- **** INSERT LINKS HERE **** -->"
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