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ashleys sugden

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Everything posted by ashleys sugden

  1. that looks awesome dez! liking the double sprocket at the back when you next riding the shiny machine?
  2. get a template off google, always a good one to work from http://www.totaljobs.com/careers-advice/cvs-and-applications/which-cv at the right, download one, if it doesnt look good, just try another
  3. yeah i know, just wanting to know what people think of them, and some riders might already be testing them
  4. is anyone going to try these pads out? doesn't look like there is a lot of pad material to me, pretty cheap for cnc backing pads too, might have to try these next. http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/hs33_brake_pads/echo_cnc_hs33/c4p12017.html
  5. i much prefer my moto trial to my bike trial, just because its easier, but this guy is beast with no brakes, moto trial is where the shit is at
  6. i ride mainly street on my echo, and they are easier to flick about etc, but for me i prefer higher stems. and higher bikes.
  7. i have a 24" echo with a tarty mod stem and a few spacers, and it feels insane, so much control, but my mate has a 26" because simple, i tried that out with a standard 26" stem (which a normally low) and i didnt like it, but a few weeks later he bought the same stem as mine for it, and i couldnt really tell the difference and they were are similar sort of length, but i prefer my 24" as i feel im not big enough for a 26" yet. but its personal preference what you like. but i think the stem makes all the difference!
  8. ill see what my dad brings home, if we cant do it tonight, ill just have to order another bottom bracket :/ which means waiting... again!
  9. it will clean up the threads though if you cant get a crank bolt in
  10. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HSS-Tap-Set-M15-x-1-0-15mm-/290831767895?pt=UK_BOI_Metalworking_Milling_Welding_Metalworking_Supplies_ET&hash=item43b6ec9957 screw that ah ok, if my dad cant bring a 15mm tap from work i will have to buy another, is any getting rid of a second hand one? i cant afford to buy a new one ideally :/
  11. There is a lot of thread in their? As in a lot length ways Literally only the start like the first thread
  12. Would I be able to turn down the axle 1 or 2mm to get to a good thread again? Yeah it was aha, I just need to try everything before I order one, and I don't really see the point in buying a brand new BB when I've just bought new bearings for the one I have Edit: yeah Dan has sent me some
  13. yeah, i can take it out and put it back in again fine
  14. i dont have any taps that size and even if i did the thread pitch would be too big, as the crank bolts have such a small pitch
  15. yeah, but my neighbor says i shouldn't of put it in, but it went in fine, i didn't have to put loads of pressure on it, it just went in like a normal bolt
  16. i ran out last week i will have to try when i get more, just takes the piss waiting for everything because i want to ride
  17. they fit together, its hard to tell as the threads are so fine, although i have just had a thought... my dad said yesterday that the start of the thread could just be gone, does this mean i could put the BB spindle in a lathe and just face it off a bit untill its good thread again, about 1-2mm?
  18. ive wire brushed it, not too hard though, cleaned out with petrol, cleaned again, then copper grease ill go and have a look now thanks
  19. I went and asked my neighbor about this as he was a pro downhill rider, he compared my echo alloy bolts to the steel ones, and he says the angle of the thread pitch are different, the echo ones are more flat and the steel ones are on an angle, he said if I put the steel ones in I could knakcer up the BB, but the other side went in fine? So the bike shops steel bots could of knackered my BB, but I still don't understand
  20. well i went to buy some steel 15mm bolts for it, and they just will not go in at all, they wont even start to go in, at first both sides would not go in, but i managed to get the drive side in, but i still dont get it! ive almost gone through 2 sets of alloy ones, ive got a set of steel now but they still wont go in,
  21. the bike shop says my BB is f**ked
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