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Everything posted by Alex.loves.boys

  1. kool vid , bit to much of that front to back wheel stuff , even thought it was amazing. keep them coming. mini
  2. fook...that dog is scary as hell man
  3. haha used to go on that site all the time. kool to se it back up :-
  4. Alex.loves.boys


    f**k me thaths nice
  5. i coullldd be there , but im on holiday on the 27th so i dunno , cant make the comp :'( :lol: :( alex
  6. sand paper............ or youll just have to wait.
  7. kool vid youve got insanely better espcially on those sidehops , kepp them coming dude. mini man
  8. what the hell. you insane your vid was awsome cant wait for full one , nice natrual one loved it so muhc i actually whatched it more than once :P keep em coming
  9. Alex.loves.boys


    fercking sexual
  10. yeh i know. i wanted to try to make it a bit longer . sorry. well i know for next time anyway. yeh too right tupman devon moors rock :blink: :'( alex
  11. hey guys just made a little vid of me when i went up to the devon moors last weekend . sorry about the qualitly , i suggest that you right click on the screen when your whatching it(if you can be bothered to download)and change the size to 100%as it gives it beter qualitly as this was done on a little digi cam. so if you download it thanks you. :o also sorry about the bad angles at times :blink: e.g rite at the begining. didnt get alot of footage as the navy and army where traning rite at the top of the toor so we were kind of restricted well here it is . http://www.eengoedidee.nl/videoz/bike-trials/natural.wmv mini man also , if you do not have a eengoedidee password you can feel free to use mine , or try. username-miniman_trials@hotmail.com password-alextreby :'(
  12. im dowloading that now , also may sound silly but where can i get firefox from??
  13. :blink: great vid dude. and yeh im loving the bike too.whish i could afford one. good riding , ok editing and ok angles . over all good vid :o :'(
  14. oh yeh sorry , its an e-machine 270 , i think :) and windows x.p thanks
  15. :( nope goin on holiday the next day so no. have a good time ladies :) al
  16. ok so it would be ok then?i dont want anything with utter poo qualitly , and at £214.00 it seems the right price for me. what one do you have? im going to go into my local shop and find out a bit more . thanks al
  17. ive found a panasonic NVGS17B looks nice but is it any good? i cant give a link for some reason. alex
  18. ok kool , thanks. it was/is $400 on the .com site , ill have a look on that site anyway. thanks mini man also is it totaly compatible with my computer , will i be able to upload on my computer? sorry im a bit dumb. cheers
  19. hey http://www.sony.co.uk/PageView.do?section=...rketingFeatures i would like to know if this camera is any good ? good quality ? good price? are there nay cheaper or better ones for the money? thanks mini
  20. just whatching it now.. i think hes guilty... i mean if you wernt guilty wouldnt you be shotuing it and stuff (N) ah i dunno we will see in a mo. if the bloody reporter just shuts up and lets the jury give the verdict EDIT:hes got away with it (Y)
  21. nice vid i like all your vids .nice chilled out loevt the frame to (N) mini
  22. yeh if slingers bike didnt have the chain stays liek thats that would sell like hot cakes looks uber nice. nice pics to (N) alex
  23. koool vid. joahn being amazing again , you being amzing again and peter backgreen looking good too (N) nice vid keep em coming. mini
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