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Everything posted by showurcolours

  1. Firstly, scientists uses bomb calorimetry because it mimcs the energy we can obtain from food, no matter what method (that's what I was taught anyway) Yes it may take more energy to absorb and breakdown different types of nutrients but that isn't actually what you said
  2. Haha I know it doesn't but 100kcal is still a 100kcal no matter where it's from. If you said a 100g of fat is a lot more caloric than 100g of protein then I'd agree with you It's my understanding that wind resistance is due to surface area, not the other way around. It is also my understanding that by increasing his volume, he lowers his density and thus increases surface area resulting in a decrease of mass ? I dunno, this is hurting my head now
  3. I disagree, a smaller surface area would make no difference to gravity if both objects have the same mass. Both would fall at -9.81m/s I once heard though, that in a perfect vacuum, a 1g brick will fall at the same speed as 1 tonne of feathers. Not sure how true that is though Can't say I know too much about vacuums and theoretical physics -------------------------------------------- Still, my point about the energy is correct fo'sure
  4. Think about what you just said. I'll refer to the old dilema to help you out "What falls faster, a tonne of bricks, or a tonne or feathers?" Agreed, Also agreed, Well, at least you said tasty and not healthy
  5. On principle, I painfully approve of what you have said. Scientifically however, I'll never concede.
  6. Well done to you mate! Brad needs to realise this is going to be quite hard work but a success story always helps Also as for trying all the diets, yes they are all shit, yes they are all scientifically flawed. Why do people do them? Because people will try anything.
  7. Nope, not true. Fat can never be anything else other than fat, and muscle cannot transform into fat. You simply lose and gain, for both. Personally, I'd attack the fat storage first for around 4-6 weeks to round house kick your metabolism into a more active state, that way you're far more likely to burn off fat and gain muscle quicker.
  8. Sorry to ruin someone else's post but if you ask someone at the gym, there are only going to tell you what works for them (which most likely won't work for you) as well as a host of other bad, scientifically incorrect information, that includes the personal trainers - who, at the end of their day, if they really worked; everyone would use them no matter the cost, let alone if they actually did work then they wouldn't have any customers. I wouldn't ask people in the gym, the odds of someone there actually having decent enough knowledge is incredibly low. Sorry again, I know I'm being a dick but this is something that I know and I'm passionate about. Oh really? As well as clogging your veins and arteries with cholesterol and possibly risking an infarction...
  9. Well that sucks, I've seen a picture of you and to be honest there's no point at which I thought you were even slightly chubby, nor even 'cuddly' Now, this is gonna sound harsh but it's the truth, everyone in the army will mock you (pretty sure most of them are jokes but still) if you can't take that kinda banter than I seriously wouldn't join. Unless there's some evil narcissistic side of you we haven't seen But more to the point, I seriously recommend a pair of Nike+ because it gives you a training plan and everything. It's actually awesome. Just start off with something comfortable, say like a 2km run. Do that 3 times a week, then build it up. On the weekends aim for 5km at a lower pace. PM me if you want me to sort you out with some kinda rough plan
  10. But that's the thing though, dieting doesn't just mean eating 'rabbit food' (which I happen to love, not literally) It also means eating smaller portions, exercise and when you eat as well. Also, there's a shit load of recipes out there for food which is super quick and super healthy. I cook most nights and it takes me no longer than 25 minutes, always tastes great (not saying I'm a good chef or anything, as it's simply the ingredients I use) and is always super healthy. Spoken like a true northerner
  11. If you don't fancy going on a road bike and wearing spandex like most of them seem to do, go jogging. If you're serious about the army there is no point messing around buying a bike. Nike+ shoes and watch helps you track all your progress and miles and it's ridiculously accurate, thus a great training aid (quite expensive though) > Drinking lots of water is ok, but if you're weight training as would be required to join the army, you'll more than likely end up absorbing water into your muscles thus increasing weight without any benefit at all (other than looking bigger, which is ridiculous again) > Both types of bread are actually ridiculously unhealthy for you, although that being said, brown is marginally better. > The whole 5 a day con is a government thought scheme which actually doesn't give you many benefits at all unless you eat healthy. Fruit/fruit drinks are also full of sugar which, is bad for you (please don't make me explain why) > I agree with fish and chicken I apologise to Andree right now for simply ruining his post No where near, per gram of said item. Also bare/bear (I never know which is correct) in mind that most items contain a multitude of those items. Luckily however, most food will tell you on the packaging.
  12. The key is exercise and energy balance. If Calories in > energy expended = weight gain Calories in < energy expended = weight loss. Just so you know; lipids ~ 9.kcal protein ~5kcal carbohydrate ~ 4kcal and alcohol is ~ 9kcal Don't bother wasting your time measuring all your calories though imo because it takes ages and most people do it wrong anyways. Simply cut down on meal sizes (or substitute size for quantity, 5 smaller meals is much better for you than 3 large ones) Need anything else, just ask Edit, BMI is absolutely ridiculous as a measurement and the calorie counter doesn't take into account environmental and genetic factors let alone your daily activity. BOOM
  13. shoulder pain still...fml

  14. Mathematical Anti-Telharsic Harfatum Septomin In other words, Maths.
  15. Haha, nice carnage shirt. I've got about 4 of them left in my wardrobe with a whole host of nasty sayings and language on. Oh and I ripped the sleeves off one to make a vest
  16. Yes, only like 2 or 3 times though. It takes a lot of effort to do it consciously but it's pretty sweet when you realised you've done it
  17. The Lostprophets singer? I look nothing like him haha
  18. It means she's out of your league but you've obviously done well. Don't hate the messenger/translator
  19. Yeah I'll join in with this, it's funny Me in the yellow shirt
  20. showurcolours


    F**king sick! That is all.
  21. Those rails were the sickest thing I've seen in rl since starting trials
  22. Good sesh today, videos now uploaded

  23. Went riding today, it was absolutely freezing but managed to get these two down on my phone. Please watch in HD! and
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