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Luke Williams!

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Everything posted by Luke Williams!

  1. lmao wank downtube made me laugh but its true and yup supposedly but like he said in comps the downtube will get abuse
  2. yer i wouldnt call it bling try not to get bling confused with colour
  3. well your saying you dont fall in comps etc is rubbish the frame is shit if it just does that pure an simple weather its a street or a comp frame it has to be able to take more strain than it has not every one is vincy poo
  4. i hear you this man praises the truth
  5. so you could call normal as whats fashionable now! i.e crazy hair that looks like waves on someones head and holy jeans etc or which is now G star jeans half way down your arse tryin to steal it from the black man style dressing am only kiddin bout the stealing from the black man by the way just incase anyone goes off on one but yer. i wouldn't class it as normal just fashionable or whats in atm in regards to clothing. each to there imo but those pics he put are abit to far a pic of yourself not of loads of random emo people you yourself are saying its fashion not every person who wears sports clothes is a chav i prefer em over jeans to be honest just more comfy an free for my mr man to rome free
  6. enjoyed that an am loving the little manuals out of the hooks that looks so smooth thumbs up from me p.s. wear a helmet
  7. reminds me of something i recieved in the post today [attachmentid=5638]
  8. tis correct its a street riders frame he seems to love it. which i would and the paint job is beasty rather have that than silver
  9. alos just realised the lockring is shifted the green bit anyway of gettin hold of a new one?
  10. yup this is actually alot easier than servicing a king especially with your eno thred its just me being a retard
  11. lmao oh my days i been trying to put them in the same hole :| sorry bout this well for anybody dont try it lmao how dumb am i freewheels eh king all the way
  12. well ive taken it all off its just puttin the springs an pawls back in my ive read onzaboy marks FAQ eno thread an its really good i just cant get the pawls back in to the springs and in the carrier it just doesnt seem to fit even with force :| any ideas? ive put gt 85 on them an it still doesnt seem to work
  13. need to know as i need to get one so anyone who knows it would be appreciated thanks forgot to put that its has a front freewheel on tensile cranks too so
  14. snap easier maybe i dont know i can tell the diffrence between short cranks and long just becuase it make the bike feel diffrence when your technique is sorted throughly your gaps will come and when you get older too just be cool and wait for it lol or start jogging or sommet
  15. gimme your pure an its a deal go timmy still as gay as ever on his zooooo t rex is where its at
  16. am impressed by 2 photos the dude with the helemt has sense and the water jumps are pretty cool
  17. judging by the parts and the photography etc i reckon they have given the frame for someone to test an asked them to grab some pics an he thought whey lets chuck it in a tree (exageration probably just ferns or a bush) but yer i do like it but i bet it rides shit
  18. all pics viewed here CLICK wonder who is goner ride it as there frame supposedly a concept only atm DELETE I JUST NOTICED my bad
  19. i made a super shiz wack table with off set legs that where all one piece. the legs came out at the middle of the tabel curved tis beast A+ for that shit what am sayin was minted still got it its here next to comp desk sept when we moved one leg got borken master piece ruined
  20. where did you get a hold of the pure frame best frame ever made imo i so want mine back
  21. not a bad vid nice editing and the song choice was bang on to say that was in the wet your brake is beast good job
  22. haha rossi happy bday you old tard supposedly
  23. great vid nice to see someone spinnin once in a while
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