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Luke Williams!

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Everything posted by Luke Williams!

  1. oh nice video some good riding but what happened to the super sexy pure
  2. Luke Williams!


    more pic of the clean python less of the dodgy one wheeled uni thing
  3. cheap XTP's for the win is what i say but will it hold out thats all i would be concerned by
  4. lmao staples for the win
  5. pretty good riding but i dont think anyone should try use that song because what ever video it is it wont compare to matt staples kot vid with that music. apart from that quality riding and a quality vid nice place for trials you got there
  6. beasty vid just so cool not afraid of heights etc an it looks like you have alot of confidence in yoru riding reminded me of the oldschool vids you pull out an think yer trials is so cool quality vid
  7. my bad but still you get the point an yo can see the size of her legs anyways there huge :|
  8. its not new by the way its been around for ages i think they have championships etc and even play football with them bikes if you notice there specially designed for what there doing no brakes for cables to get in the way etc its like a kids bike where you stop with the pedals still genious mind
  9. woot very nice mr barlow but what happened to that super sex leeson
  10. amazing as usual damon i still cant get over how fast yoru riding has improved from seeing you riding in hull for the first time to this its just you were deffinetly made to ride trials plus is nice to see linkin park coming back in or is it fort minor
  11. quality vid, your views are weird on trials i believe only some people are like that but branding everyone like that is abit of a shame, some people watch in ore and love trials also what is that back track been lookin for it for ages
  12. you know he is thinkin snap? snap? snap?
  13. your also forgettin this vital part "CONCEPT" its just liek concept cars most of them are f**king crazy but when the final released version is out its been modified i for one would like to see the concepts themselves brought out there is nothing wrong with pushing boundaries otherwise the world would stay the same
  14. is that cap7 a tap how high is it :| same with matt thats just
  15. yer tis the best way to pull a bird on a bike fo sho
  16. Luke Williams!

    New Tra Vid

    best video i've seen reminded me of the old school TRA vids so good off to watch it again
  17. the guy just seems unreal CLick for his website [attachmentid=5724] [attachmentid=5725] [attachmentid=5726] [attachmentid=5727]
  18. my bad ah well i was fooled too although i have seen the 2007 model which has a BB rise etc
  19. good vid for your first maybe work on yoru technique it looks like your struggling to get the bike to go were you want it more control and your riding will be nice
  20. thank me later looks sweet imo monty is now into the new age [attachmentid=5710] [attachmentid=5711] [attachmentid=5712]
  21. nice vid the dude on the orange bike has the shittest hair do ever look slike that ho out of ALIENS the movie
  22. well if my ladie was goin out in a guys car an she knows he likes her i'd tell her to go f**k off. how dumb is she obviously he is goner think she likes him otherwise why is she gettin in his car end of if she has told him straight then she doesnt need to go chill in his car period
  23. oh noes onza have gone mad snap snap snap
  24. i just find all the myspace hero's funny the poses are awsome oh noes you swear he is not your brother look like twins
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