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Luke Williams!

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Everything posted by Luke Williams!

  1. sweet pics from the sextp massive lovin the pigeon :bow:
  2. You forgot happy days ( monday tuesday happy days) that was the shizzle too but all is so true lol so so true and i loved it
  3. --> QUOTE(joe b @ Jan 28 2006, 10:56 AM) ←No, mate, dont be harsh! Hes a professional, and thats why he knows what hes chomping on... At least he sheds some light showing why he thinks what he think. Cheers, Joe. Hmmm it seems people on this forum are becoming exceptionally touchy when it comes to the subject of humour! obviously i have no clue what am on about when it comes to lens etc to me its a picture and the better picture to me is the first one mr Rob P i prefer if i see the move rather than some random back hop which is effortless to do! much prefer an impressive move whilst he is trying to be arty than a random backhop like i said before and that is IMO and i'm pretty sure i know my own opinion better than you do! your entitled to yours i'm entitled to mine! and f stop junkie if your refering to me as writing in text i dont think i come under that contexts but still i understood where you was coming from being advanced in your field and knowledge is cool and atleast someone from MBUK shares his wisdom! and Mr charel this is a thread of a photo why bring the bullshit half hearted owned shit into it, geeks really do piss me off cause your all under the same context of retards! make your insult atleast constructive instead of pointing out the obvious! you are f**king annoying dude! people really do need to lighten up
  4. so from now on if you want matt staples to f**k up and beat him, take his mum to the comp
  5. An this ladies an gentlemen is the kind of crap you come out with when you become a geek! first one is good i can see what he has done and everything around him is clear and his move has a purpose second one is kinda rubbish just some guy doing a back hop which IMO is very boring and pointless atlest in the first one his move is impressive
  6. sweet vid felix is just out of control with that smoothness an patrick is sick woooot was like next video please
  7. just gettin it now should be good
  8. i have a bodged bar thingy so that try all bars fit in to hifi stem its all gravy baby for me works an i dont see the bars snappin as i've checked them out so tis all good
  9. yes cause they would still be about the individual trying to make me look like an idiot i see
  10. XTR = poo if yoru going huge get a maggie an stick with it just bleed it with water an stop being a mongy pussy about pointless shit
  11. websites are class i like the way there all diffrent too
  12. i would advise you craig to go to all second hand stores and tell all bike shops in local hudds centre like wheelspin cycles etc an take a pic cause they get some well dodgy people going there
  13. dent spot it today an i live in hudds so but cant beieve they got it which uni flats he live in so i can get a good know how of wherew to look
  14. an mr Giacom has koxx, atec, tryall, MET, ville de martigues and region Jobs a gooden thanks for answering my question
  15. sometimes i hate being a virgo but then again i love it i leave with some of my pride still intact
  16. thibault marriaux show is what its called for demos but yer MBK is who he is sponsered by
  17. nope they way you wrote it said you did but i may of miss read, am understanding what your saying i have no dispute over onza there a smart company doing the british biketrial scene some good creating cheap frames for those who cant afford which means more riders am talking about copies of koxx mostly yer you got me on the zoo onza thing but when it comes to koxx its a totally diffrent story, i wouldnt say there where more sales of t pros than levelbosses they came out at a diffrent time and a bet alot mroe koxxs got sold world wide than onza's all i can say is koxx are justified for there high prices and i would gladly go out an pay there prices, i have a deng frame myself by the way and i loved my echo pure and control!
  18. that is the most sense i have heard you talk ever yus koxx would have to give rights for them to use there design but usually they are copyright protected! so even though they have given them the rights to the spec they are still not allowed to copy the frame exactly. but that maybe only the UK and american law taiwan could be totally diffrent and no this can be for anything specific it doesnt have to be majorly diffrent just diffrent the problem is is that if koxx where to go around sueing everyone 1. they would look bad 2, it would cost shit loads of money anyways so its kinda pointless. yer but onza are smart and improve on a design where on about koxx designs and koxx copies not zoo's, in all fairness i hate zoo but i see what your saying. but thats mostly down to zoo's poor quality at creating a good frame for everyone like koxx manage to do hence why they copy designs most of the time!
  19. you deffinetly would feel the diffrence from 380 to 385 i can assure you on that i dont see how you couldnt also as for the frames if you want to precieve that changes dont make a diffrence your pretty thick hence why there called changes and are noticable its like having a fake louis vuitton bag from a distance you dont notice it but when you get close up an feel the bag you do the same can be said for frames IMO anyways this debate is going nowhere
  20. it all effects the bike maybe not majorly but if your any good at riding you can tell the diffrence i noticed the diffrence going from trying a coustellier to a t rex also ive ridden a t pro and a levelboss mod they all feel diffrent cause of the changes plus am sure we where on about koxx too ! i see how you have specifically gone onto frames as you have seen our way on the koxx issue an prices
  21. realised today they where hitting it the wrong way they where tightening it up instead of loosening it!
  22. Just checked out the koxx website and it seems they have removed the coustellier frame from the site and also giacom from the team bit of the website just wondering whats going on?
  23. and what where gettin at is they dont! a few millimetres to a bike design is a big amount and effects the bike in alot of ways! its like having a crank if you dont tighten a crank up tight enough to the bb by even a millimetre or so it gets rounded off or f**ks up in some way this can be said for alot of bike specific things you dont seem to get our point at all
  24. only feel like your lying on your stomach cause your probably small am riding an 1100 an i feel comfortable on it i am 6ft 2 after all maybe abit taller so when i got to a shorter framed bike an have a test ride i hate it maybe you prefer the shorter frames because your small i dunno but i wouldnt be so sure on the every one leaving it some will stick to long low silver but alot will go 24" due to them riding street alot more than natural especially those who ride BMX also
  25. just checked a pic only thing i can see thats abit diffrent is the downtube :| or isall this just my eyes saying that i do like the bike should of made it a little longer too maybe 1090
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