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Everything posted by Twilite

  1. Lovely. As always, the holes are a bit suspect, but I'm sure they did their research! I'm looking to buy me a Control to replace my useless frame. May be worth holding out to get one of the new models, what do you think? Just a case of missing a little sunny riding while the release dates get pushed further and further back. (What's up with the Echo site recently??)
  2. Twilite

    Frame Advice

    I was always under the impression the Zebdi was averagely long? I guess I was wrong, what's the wheel base on them? The Bae sounds like a good bet, good frame, especially for the price. But the best way is to just try as many frames as you can get your hands on and see which tickle your fancy. Good luck!
  3. I understood. Wasn't really that hard, it's just Liam! I know next to nothing about suspension, but the concensus sounds good, except for where to get seals, but seeing as it's just been serviced, that doesn't make a lot of sense. Liam again. Do it!
  4. Just seen the vid. That's one amazing course you've put together there, shame about the turnout. The hall and all the stuff couldn't have been cheap to get together? How much did the whole event cost you to set up/run? Where abouts was it held? I saw the thread about it, but for some reason presumed I wouldn't have been able to get there. Looks like a great club you've got going there though, it's good to see things like that being set up, strengthening the trials community. Good luck with future events, keep us posted.
  5. Looking good. OT: Just out of interest, what's that downtube protector made out of? Looks slightly unorthodox is all.
  6. Looking good, very professional (the spray. No comment on the pink squares :P" !) I did hear something about spray paint breaking down plastics, but it's too late now I guess, have to wait and see! I personally can't see it being a huge problem short term, but that's what I (and others it seems) always thought. Nice one anyway (Y)
  7. A little antifreeze remedies that situation so I heard. (Makes sense) Possibly if anything is going to damage seals though, that could be it. Might just be worth not leaving it out in the cold. (Y)
  8. That makes a lot more sense. Trying to compress water with something designed to compress air sounds like it could cause damage. Trying to compress water with something designed to compress oil and causing damage on the other hand sounds a little extreme. Go for it. You get the occassional person who hasn't tried it listing theoretical reasons why it's not good, but listen to all the people who have actually done it with no problems. I've never had anyone who has actually tried water bleeding say it's not a good idea.
  9. Twilite

    Yaabaa Frame

    Never thought they'd have to paint OVER their Koxx logos to sell their frames! A big Koxx sticker usually does wonders for getting people interested. Look good for cheap frames, but I'm personally going to steer well clear. Look not disimilar to the 'Cuda frame I was riding when I started out. Not keen on negative progression, even if it is badged and tripled in price!
  10. I'm pretty terrible at backwheeling things, so use this rolling get up quite a bit. I call it a "UCI get up" ^_^ I do it pretty similar to explained above, by rolling towards the object, bad foot forward, at an average pace. When I'm within reach, I put in half a pedal stroke to lift the front up onto the object. The idea is it lands on the top, not on the edge and as soon as it does, kick the back wheel up, like the end of a bunny hop, unweighting the back wheel and shifting your weight over the front. I guess it could be done with the front brake from here, but I find it easier to take in enough speed so that once the back end is unweighted, momentum carries me the rest of the way up. There's my overly complicated explanation. :lol: Let me know if it's any use!
  11. I thought Bonz too, as soon as I saw the thread title (well, as soon as I'd finished getting frustrated becuase I couldn't remember the name) :lol: Burns are harder to get at a decent price overseas, and the Canadians seem to be getting on OK with the Bonz cranks. If you're looking for an alternative, they'll definitely stand out too. They get my vote.
  12. Probably coincidence more than anything; just the fact that it's the first time everyone's ridden properly in a while. If it was something to do with temperatures, the changes would have to be pretty drastic, whcih they haven't really, no more than about 5-10 degrees. And if it affected this many people in March, I'm sure in previous years, in like July and August, all the people who bled their brakes over the winter would notice? It's a good theory, but I'm sure if it was a problem, it would have been picked up before now wouldn't it? I mean, Canada have plenty of trials riders, and they have freezing winters and lovely summers :lol: Scary all the same. I burst a hose for the first time last month, but that was still while it was cold.
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