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Everything posted by JTM

  1. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  2. Also dont take M.O.Ts as gospel. The car I have now, a 1.4 N reg escort was bought with a a 8 day old MOT. 4 hours after getting it home it needed a new cat, £200 and basically a full drivers side brake £50. If it looks too good to be true, IT IS
  3. No king of the hil!?!
  4. Im going to agree, the simpsons wins it everytime for me. As mentioned ^^^ some of the newer episodes arnt amazing, but the older ones, my god they are funny! It has given us so many quotes its unreal, and i dont think ive ever seen an episode that didnt make me laugh at least once. Its a cartoon in its own league and the likes of family guy, futurama etc were all spawned from the simpsons and they just dont compare
  5. Its been said before.and ill say it again, format!
  6. JTM

    Brake Pads

    In my experience, once you have done a grind on a rim, thats it, it has to be a ground rim forever. Even when you think a grind has totally worn off, it will still have many imperfections that will actually make a brake worse. Even sanding it down wont solve this. If I were you Id stick with grinding, or if your desperate for no grinding, get a new smooth rim
  7. Thing is nick, most motor way miles cars, ie. company cars will be vectras, audis etc etc, slightly out of his price range maybe A P reg vectra would be good though. And remember, the larger the engine (normally) the less its been ragged. And its almost impossible to burn a diesel out
  8. Pfffft. Doesnt matter how old it is. If its dodgy its dodgy You cou;d get a g reg fiesta thats done 1000 miles by a vicar, or a 54 plate fiesta thats done 10,000 by a 17 year old boy racer, It doesnt matter
  9. your setting yourself a bit of a impossible task there 1997 and up, 1.4 for £1200?!?! Very few choices there id say
  10. Yeah as someone said, its not a Python, its a black mamba or whatever Very nice bke!
  11. (Y) Have you actually held them and felt their weight!!! :)
  12. Me too! Take it out and see what the fits like
  13. How the hell did you not know they were steel?! Surely their weight and/or constuction gave it away?! Anyway.....Even if you do laquer them, the water will eventually find a way in. Best bet is to paint them and then laquer
  14. To be fair, when people say "You have a purpose built skate park" our reply is usually "yeah, but we dont have skates...."
  15. JTM


    That site was a fake Its 3 points
  16. Just out of intrest, who is that insurance with and are you the only driver?
  17. Alot of people have done this. And if done properly, will probably give you a fair ammount of time to save for new cranks. Try and do more than one side of the taper, the more the merrier
  18. I could do with working mine out to be honest I probably whack £20 in per week, thats in a 1.4 escort (which is unluckily less economical than a 1.6 (Y) ) Thats with some rev limiter driving and some pootering, with not many motorway miles.
  19. Classic! I also dont know how that works?!
  20. Tell him to go check it then, cos its probably cracked (Y) And yes, dave will have anew bike by time this breaks
  21. Erm.are you taking the piss with that pic?! Look at the name of the file and the description......... Rear speakers shouldnt "point" towards the user. They should be around 3ft behind them, 2ft higher than them, and be aimed across the room. Not aimed down or up or forwards. Just horizontal
  22. can you get us a pic of where its situated?
  23. Normal car wiring is like 12owg, whereas live feed to battery cable is like 4owg..... It would be on fire before you know it
  24. Do you mean 16t............? lol They do significantly increase chain snappage imo. But with a KMC theres not much chance of that. Prob best to change chains every 6 months or so though, just incase
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