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mr ailsbury

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Everything posted by mr ailsbury

  1. mr ailsbury


    Hi guys, Here's my latest film, Alpha. A Short documentary about a BMX shop in Stoke-On-Trent. Check it out! Vimeo Video -> Original Video
  2. oops thought I had. http://www.tomamesbury.co.uk/
  3. Right, i've got the website uploaded and stuff but all the pictures appear as a ? in a little blue box... What have I done wrong?
  4. Glad you said not to buy the domain/hosting together, i'd have just gone all in one if I hadn't known. Sweet! will definitely go with that hosting site, really cheap and straight forward! A few people recommended 123-reg but once I found out a bit about them i've heard a fair few bad things (They were the ones charging £48) I've already made the site in Dreamweaver, Basically wanted to get a site online by the time I leave uni so i've got somewhere with work/blog/links etc all in one that I can work on as I learn a bit more about writing HTML etc.
  5. Right, I know a few of you guys have your own websites and i'm looking for a bit of advice. I've started making a web page in Dreamweaver, checked all the links work and all that stuff and now I want to get it online, this is where I got stuck... What I need to know basically is: How much should I be paying to get a domain name and hosting? (a site I had recommended came up at £48 which seems really steep?) Can anyone recommend a good site to get all this from? Is there anything I should watch out for when buying a domain name/hosting? Cheers
  6. Haven't seen one of those for years! Brings back some wicked memories! The frames are pretty weak around the chain stays so keep an eye on them but great frames to learn on.
  7. I'm in Newcastle. Everyone I used to ride with stopped ages ago. Not had the chance to ride in about 3 months
  8. Loved it! Bike really suits you. Get a proper pure TGS style video made, just to prove how versatile the bike is and what can be done on it if you push yourself.
  9. Was hoping no one would pick up on this. You're the first That was basically because I hadn't shot enough photos for the shot to be longer so I was stuck with that length unfortunately. Cheers for all the feedback guys
  10. I added the movement in post, its called the Ken Burns effect. Its a really useful little trick, if you do it on video though it can lower the quality of the footage a little bit. I'd also plan which shots you're going to use it on before you get them so you can shoot them a bit wider, makes it a lot less faff to do!
  11. I've just finished my latest film which I made as part of my university course. It would be really cool if you'd all check it out and if you've got a Vimeo account, leave likes, comments and feedback for me FILM Cheers guys!
  12. Now my student loan has come ini've decided to get a decent tripod. I've set aside about £200 to spend and it will be used for filming video and taking photos on my Canon 7D. I've had THIS head and THESE legs reccomended too me and I was just wondering what people think? Is there a better option?
  13. When I put that in I get this message Invalid variable declaration in page skin: The skin variables could not be parsed as they are not well-formed. 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  14. Hi guys, I've just started a new BLOG on blogger.com and I wanted to add a button to my Vimeo/twitter pages to it. I just want the THIS logo, or a similar one and the same for twitter so that when it's clicked you're taken to my profile pages. I'd also like an interesting banner for the top of the page to replace the "Tom Amesbury Films" title. If anyone is up for making these for me please let me know cheers, Tom My profile links for the buttons TWITTER VIMEO
  15. You could always chuck Windows on and then get Adobe Premiere or something the naughty way. Final Cut X is good IMO. If you've never used proper editing software before its a good introduction and pretty fairly priced when you look at the prices of other software of that level that are about. Download Final Cut 7 the naughty way. You can't buy it anymore so its ok Best software i've used.
  16. Yeah i've got the dodgy copies already I meant official release. They're launching a whole online Harry Potter thing called Pottermore.com and when that comes out they're releasing the eBook versions of the books. They wanted to wait until that was done before releasing them. THAT Thats the one i've got. The lights a bit shite but it does the job. The case is good though.
  17. Love mine. I'd definitely get the 3G+WiFi one just for the convenience, Looked at a book in a shop, went outside and downloaded it to the Kindle and it was there within about 2-3 mins ready to read by the time I got to Costa. You can also download them off the Amazon website too obviously. I treck to and from London on the train every week to see my girlfriend and after going in and out of my bag a few times with all my luggage a real book is dead, the book mark is nowhere to be seen and takes up loads of space, Kindle is just way more portable and as long as you have a case for it, won't get trashed at all. Don't buy the official Kindle case 'cause its a rip off. Mine cost about £15 and does the job nicely, it has a light but I've only ever needed it once or twice so far. Only down-side for me is that you can't get the Harry Potter books for it but they should be getting released before the end of the year. There are also plenty of ''free'' books online to download if you don't mind plenty of spelling mistakes, but the books are cheap enough that theres not really much point stealing them. The only way a Kindle isn't good is if you're one of those wierdo's who likes sniffing the pages in books and stuff. And obviously for refrerence books with lots of colour pictures in them.
  18. Those 360 gaps were amazing. Loved all three of those videos! Good stuff.
  19. mr ailsbury

    Jack Meek

    Stop putting your foot down you big girl you've nearly got it
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