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Everything posted by James-M

  1. I don't know if she's worth the effort anymore. I know for a fact she'll regret what she's done, 'cus she really likes me, as her mates say and as she's said. In her msn name today was 'F**k. Sad '. So that shows that she knows she's made a mistake, but I've really gotta stop giving in when this happens! I would usually be like 'yeh it's fine'. Not 'cus I forgive them or anythying, but just because it's easier than arguing and falling out, but being like this will just make people know they can be like this and always get away with it...
  2. Things were going well with this girl I liked, to be honest i'm not really sure what happened..., but last night she was drunk and causing arguments over the smallest things whn after she admitted she was in the wrong, but doing it for the sake of it. Whaaaat the f**k?! We ended up walking home from town, she was with her mate, I was with mine, and, to be honest, just wanted to see her again and sort everything out. When I did see her, she was being pathetic, tring to hide , so I just tell her to her face something along the lines of, "Why are you being like this? I've been trying to talk to you but you just keep arguing, if you carry on i'm just not gonna bother talking to you or meeting you in future". She said "Fine", and walked off... Screw it, can't be arsed with her now. Neeext!
  3. The Carpernters - Only Yesterday Album. Yeeessss
  4. I had a dream last night, that I had a dream, that I had a dream. Was very messed up, totally messed my head up...When I 'woke up' the first time, I thought 'that was a messed up dream', then 'woke up' again thinking, 'Ohh I dreamt I was dreaming', then I woke up FO' SHO' thinking 'whaaat the fooook'?!
  5. Pink Lemonade. Booyah! Where's it gone?!
  6. I know he was. I can have a decent week without getting drunk, but it's a social thing in a way... Meet up, maybe round someone's house or on the town or wherever, have a drink and a laugh really. Usually drink allows you to have a more chilled out [/caring] time. It's just something fun and different to do. (Different, meaning a few hours out of a whole week)...
  7. I agree =) Decent to have a night out drinking having a laugh with your mates, definately. I went town last night, got in at 4, awesome night.
  8. Nah I didn't mean anyone said it was crap, that was just an example for instance of what I was trying to get across.
  9. How can this language be tolerated in a public forum? There are many biased opinions. Why not just watch it like any other film and not pick out all these little things? Everyone's different, with different points of view. Look at different political parties arguing, different countries arguing. There is no end to this arguement. To be fair, if you like something and someone else says "It's crap", it can be annoying, and it's hard to just say to yourself, 'it's just their opinion', 'cus you know they are judging you for having that opinion, but you've just got to put up with narrow minded people who say things like this. Kinda like people who say 'Chavs are dicks', or 'Emos are skanks'. It happens...
  10. James-M


    Basically, there's a star (i'm pretty sure it's a star, not a planet) in the south/south east of the sky at the moment, and i've seen it for quite a few days running now and I'm curious as to what it is, (the name of it) but whenever I try and look up on it I can't find anything on it. I've found a picture of the night sky from the NW to the SE, but it doesn't say what time it fits with. Meaning, the earth obviously spins so the stars won't always be in the same position as appears on the map thing. I can see the big dipper, where the handle curves down to the third brightest star in the sky (Arcturus) then you go along (parallel to the horizon) and can see four stars in almost a square shape, the bottom one appearing very red. But, the star i'm trying to find out is further left about a 45 degree turn parallel to the horizon. It's very bright and once you've seen it you can't mistaken it and it stands out a mile away compared to anything else in the sky. Anyone know what it is? Just found out it's Jupiter. Pretty cool though, look south east and you'll see it easily.
  11. Frank Sinatra - Singing in the Rain...
  12. Toy Story song - You've Got a Friend in Me
  13. Haha, yeh I do think that's true actually, 'cus it has happened to me before. It's all good hanging out occasionally, but when you're always out together, always round eachother's, doing things with her you would usually just do with your mates, it all turns ugly...
  14. Haha fail! Maybe this should be in the 'Make money quick and easy' thread, or whatever the f**k it's called...
  15. YES! YEEES! I have actually. Well this girl has been one of my best mates for well over two years now, so we totally know eachother and what we're like, so I guess we've grown to like eachother the way we are. We ain't going out ('cus we both know what eachother can be like...) But yeh...We're just casual n stuff, you know how it is...
  16. My bottle of Beck's after I tried to remove the cap with a rather large knife.
  17. Haha, too much whisky the night before.. Atleast Raikkonen was out too though!
  18. Lmfao make up sex? I was thinking 'Break-up sex' was always out of the picture, was thinking, that can't happen surely? But apparently not...
  19. Can't go wrong with a few bottles of wife beater! Mmmm.
  20. Really wanted a girl for ages, but now I can have her it kinda puts me off. It's so selfish I know, but I just enjoy that feeling of meeting someone new and being a bit exciting. When you can have someone that feeling goes so you wanna move on again. I know it's wrong really but mehh, only one life 'n all...
  21. In the past two weeks my dog hasn't eaten anything, I don't know why, she just hasn't been eating. She's gonna go vets soon...
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