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Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Everything posted by Has anyone seen my shoe?

  1. Thats cos you're a whore! I've been doing quite well recently although my kill:death ratio is below 2 now so im not happy. Accuracy is around the 24.5% mark which is nice and no one in the world on my score has done it in the time if done it in, everyone else is at least 4 hours slower haha
  2. Finished veteran in 6 and a half hours. Only achievements left are spec ops ones No Overkill, Bling is epic though. As for scopes, no thermals or anything but you do get red dots, holographic etc As for the "news" that there will be DLC... I think if you look at how much money they must have made on WAW, MW2 was always going to have DLC so i'm not surprised. I'm really impressed with it online and I was very dubious about it before hand. I think the accolades, titles and emblems idea is good. The new perks do seem to limit your ability to need to make good classes which is a shame however the pro perks is a good idea. The last kill killcam is a good idea and I also really like the killstreak rewards although I think the deathstreaks kinda seem like an afterthought. The maps overall are bigger but I kind of predicted that when they brought in like 13 assault rifles and only 5 or so SMG's if I remember right. The new unlockables like the thermal scope (which is fantastic except on snow maps which makes no sense) and the heartbeat sensor are really cool and I like the way you have to use each attachment to unlock a related improvement. Just really like ti so far, apart from the noob tubers and the campers which seem to be everywhere on it at the moment. I'm hoping after time the skill elevel will improve so we'll see less camping.
  3. Or, having formed my own opinion, they're not
  4. Watched a bit of borderlands today again. Not entirely convinced but then im not a big RPG fan.
  5. I must be the only person who actually likes the border less one
  6. It doesnt look that great? Graphics are good (cell shading for the win) but the gameplay doesnt look amazing?
  7. Is there going to be a view new posts option or can I just not see it?
  8. Havent got it yet dude. Will do at somepoint.
  9. Hmm, just dont see it as a negative trade off. Im wuite willing to pay for a service which I enjoy
  10. Had a clan match against some PC guys tonight. First to 4 on Seatch and Destroy, highest score on domination in 5 minutes (twice) and First to 2 points on sabotage on the xbox. In all of those games I died 5 times in total and we absolutely dominated as a team, not losing a single round. Then we went on the PC and played Hardcore Search and Destroy, best out of 24. Lost both rounds but was really close on one and on a personal level I had a positive kill death ratio everytime. Did really well, im well up for getting COD 4 on the PC when MW2 comes out
  11. Doesnt it work out to something like less then 4 quid a month anyway? Then with the deal at the moment its like less then 3? SHIT
  12. Its on deal on XBL at the moment, that will cover me for a year haha
  13. Isn't it called TP's sports bar or something now a days?
  14. Hoping that I can use my laptop as a router, will see in about 5 mins Half hour later and sucess
  15. Going on the basis of some of your decisions, no you dont
  17. And I was running at you with an mp5. Life is fun!
  19. Dont hold back simps, say what you feel. Eski and Liam got schooled earlier, along with their friends.
  20. Missed it last night as I was getting my nuts wet, tonight though IT IS ON!
  21. COD 4 session during the week? Charlie, Jon, Haz, Simps, Eski, Liam?
  22. Was going to post pretty much the first line of that. I dont generally play COD for the community, I play COD for fun. I usually party up with my mates who arent even on COD and just chat. Simps saw me ripping it up yesterday. Schooled you boy!
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