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Everything posted by GlynnP

  1. I wish i could been waiting to be able to ride the area... but my bro is down from london might pop out too see people though if it goes ahead
  2. Do you use streaming sites alot? do you download alot? What time of the day are you trying? Could be somthing to do with it, certain ISP's but limits and caps on the package so you could have a download limit / bandwidth limit and if you hit it they are going to cap your usage pretty heavily. Also some providers as cap the speeds at peak periods due to the demand and so on. The best thing is to look more into your provider to see if there is any small print about your usage allowance. My test from iplayer my highest score for streaming was - 21057kbs I am on a 50mb virgin fiber optic connection though (bearing in mind 3 other guys upstiars probs useing the net as well ) so should better than if you are just on an old phone line which could be miles form the exchange. Like said before you could be a distance form the exhange meaning you might be signed up to 10mb but you could be only recieveing something alooooot lower.
  3. Hey man bournemouth Uni - BA(hons) Interactive Media Production amazing course i am in my second year and the media school at bournemouth is renowned for being great for media and graduate jobs. The Media school in the uni is the only school with in a uni to recieve both awards for Center of Excelence in Media Practice (CEMP) and the skillset award for media. Through CEMP in my first year i worked with one of the biggest media companys in london, Magic Lantern. The uni was also voted best new uni by the gardiuan and the media school does pretty well in the tables i think. Plus there is alot of chicks. Any more info let me know.
  4. I think i have it on my harddrive if no1 else has before then i will put it up tomorrow afternoon
  5. GlynnP

    Nike 6.0 Park

    Right before i get bashed about putting it in BMX forum, I just thought this would be good here because people will enjoy it that might not look at BMX forum. Nike 6.0 built a new park for the Tunnle jam and just for location and layout of it, its possibly the nicest park in the uk. Some great riding as well Nike 6.0 Tunnle Jam
  6. Ahh ok I said about being tested because a lot of people say they are but have never been through the official tests. Yeh you might be able too get it, but councils don't generally like giving too much out to further education they really only give stuff to higher education. I didn't get anything at college the funding just isn't there because people at colleges aren't generally as serious as at uni, my mate got a laptop at school and 16th form but only because his dyslexia was soo bad you couldn't read his writting. Good luck though
  7. If you are at uni or college you just have to speak to the learning support there and get them to put you forward for the test if the test says your dyslexic and your at or going to be going to uni then your local county council will give funding towards you.
  8. Its because i am incredibly bad at note taking, if i have to think about writing notes down i end up missing the next stuff thats said meaning stuff starts not making sense. Thats the main reason for me there are others but thats the biggest reason. Plus if i can get it i might as well
  9. I have one from my dyslexic learning support and I dont use it just because i am lazy but the couple of times i have used mine it has been good. Mine has a button the side you click if you hear something good in the lecture and it marks it in the recording then when you transfer it to your computer in the software the marks show up so you dont have to listen to a 2 hour lecture again you can skip to the mark and get the info form it you need. Also if you are going to get one its worth spending out as the microphones wont pick up the talker unless they are really close so in the real world you also need to buy as better microphone for it. This is the sort of thing I have might not be the exact model but its similar - http://www.pixmania.co.uk/uk/uk/2422718/ar...oice-recor.html and I have a microphone like this for it - http://www.sony.co.uk/product/pam-music/ecm-ds70p This will pick up the sound better from distance. So all in all the equipment they gave me is around £200 so its really not worth getting a cheap one, the once like above at £30 is really just £30 wasted if she really wants one and thinks she will use it you have two options. 1. Get your perents to put towards it as well and maybe she can pay abit. 2. Take the dyslexic test and get one off the government
  10. Possibility i might head over from Bournemouth good to meet some people that ride the area
  11. Nice to see what goes on behind the scenes its always good to see how a company runs or how much riding they can do on the days we cant Only thing i would say to make it better apart from lightbox would be to use Wordpress instead of blogspot? I know it would mean changing your domain but wouldnt take people on here long to get the new domain and it would mean you could install it on your current hosting to make the domain www.tartybikes.co.uk/blog Only real reason is that blogspot is soo dam ugly and even the standard templates in Wordpress are nicer looking. You would also have the flexibilty of customising it as well so using one of us on here i am sure would do it for very little to create a template that would "fit" and look right for a trials blog. I know the blog isn't something you guys really worry about that much but from a branding point of view it might look slightly nicer? Probs made that post longer than it need to be, but on a different note the content is great
  12. Another nice video Rich keep it coming
  13. Ahh I love this video cant believe ritch never put it on T-F Its just a shame i dont get to ride with them every week like i used too And like said before these guys really know what trials is all about and have kept true to their believes and roots in trials
  14. Tappets thats a seriously nice piece of work with good colours and nice detail
  15. I have no idea as i am not from there but just wanted to say Thats with those trails they have no kick the take off's look like a landing am i missing somthing? are they simple just to hit at speed and flow through really fast
  16. Hey mate but i am sorry i have to agree with OBM I feel there is too many different fonts and even if they are not different fonts different styles which could be the same found but in large type/italics/bold etc.. This is fine across most of the site but were it bugs me is on the contact form. I just feel the Name, Email and Coments text is just to big and stands out making it look almost like a completely different font, Mybe making this the same as the sentence above would be slightly nicer. My only other points are completely website based and nothing to do with design. I dont know what your stands are on web design i am ashuming you are a graphic designer and not a web designer so i first off say fair play to you for this attempt its alot better than most people would do. Few points to be aware of though. First one very simple to fix is your lightbox doesnt appear to be working so i am just getting the images load on a blank page. Secondly is somthing I end up picking up on more when i come home from uni and we all do it now in the digital age but we still need to pay attention to people like my rents out in the middle of the moors where we cant get good broadband access. Although your site is very low in graphical content due to the site being a one page site some of the images are taking awhile to load on my parents crap internet. Although I do like your one page layout it might be somthing to think about as for a good while I am left with alot of white space will the page loads. And the last thing I think might be due to you having done lots of myspace mods. ( Which I must say are very nicely designed ) Using lots of tables in web design is very out dated and is not very standards friendly or nice practice to get into when design websites. Try to use divs and style sheets as once you are used to them they are just as easy and nicer to use and friendlier for everyone else. Hope this isn't taken as a rant against you it is acturly the complete opposite just trying to give you some pointers as I like alot of what I see, so if you applie the web thoughts to your designs we could see some great work. Just never know how your words can be taken online so just give me a shout if you didnt understand anything.
  17. Bowen was in halls in his first year at plymouth and he always had his bike in his room and alot of the time mine as well he did get caught a few times but hour later it was in his room anyway. Dont leave it outside in plymouth mine was outside the art college at plymouth locked up for an hour and it was stolen There is alot of pikey's in the old plymski
  18. You youngsters are so lazy its about a 5 min ride along a flat track tell you all ride too much street expect it to be right infront you as soon as you get out the car park Edit: saying that as you arnt locals you might be taking the hard way to the quarry which if you are i laugh at you haha
  19. That natural minions yeah? Good to see more people riding nice rocks If your going minions again give me a shout i have just got back from uni and need people to ride with during the day at minions cheers
  20. Thats really nice style and well put together I only feel the story lacks slightly with the language mainly The narrative is slightly fake sounding its that sort of traditional tv language and doesnt sound how we would acturly talk Sorry my english isnt any better ( infact its worse ) but i hope what i was trying to say came across correct
  21. defo still a sweet wifebeater still drinking stella alex?
  22. Dont know if this counts But i used to just be weird myself full stop and aint 5 "pinkies" ( baby mice you feed snakes. ) Defrosted and put into a sandwich hahahaha
  23. Nice one rat big moves going down
  24. Thanks for the feedback it has been taken on board although i am the interactive student so i will give it to the tv and script writers. Great to get constructive feedback
  25. That one is mainly yes. The campaign is acturly about getting young people involved in politics and makeing politics simplier for young people to understand. So the idea behind the advert is that politics is all around you and everything you do or want to change is to do with politics. So there is going to be more adverts that arent just male aimed
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