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Trials Dave

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Everything posted by Trials Dave

  1. yeah they do seem really good for the money. i really am split between a king and a pro trials now
  2. is it 32 hole? and thank you for all the replys..i am now looking into buying a second hand chris king but if there are non available i think i will give the hope pro trials a go. i would prefer to buy a hope when they are a year or two old so they are tried and tested and i know it is going to last. thanks Dave
  3. WOW!!! those pics are amazing. i really like the last one. cool pic.
  4. im having trouble deciding on a new hub. i cant really afford a chris king but what else do you think would be good from your experiences. all replys appreciated. cheers Dave
  5. araldite them back in or get in touch with steve at heatsink bikes. hes a great guy and im sure he will help you out
  6. thats sick!!!! lmao sorry....but it is
  7. yeah it says the same to me
  8. haha. yeah they are like that. its their way or no way. they all think they are the best at everything. its good at times because they price trials parts wrongly all the time in their stupid little catalogue thingy. lmao. i got a set of onza orbita cranks with bashring etc on for £40. my mate bought some from there a while before me and paid £80 for them...lmao
  9. totally agree. hard to be smooth on the first time on something big!
  10. hmmm. im starting to wish i hadnt bought 2006 echos
  11. ive strectched them out and still no good. im going to give up with it. thanks for all of the help anyway. Dave
  12. haha. yes thats the one. they are dicks unless you ride downhill or a road bike!!! it was quite a thin lube really
  13. ok...ive stripped it down and checked everything out. i couldnt see anything wrong with it at all!!! i lubed the bearings etc and put it back togethor with loctite on the thread of the lockring. after this i went out riding for a while. it was fine until i tried a biggish gap. i kicked and nearly got half a pedal stroke with nothing happening.(nearly smashed my face into a wall aswell) after this i checked the lockring, which was tight and then got home and checked all of the bearings were in which they were!!! so i think i have just got a 'bad one' any ideas? cheers Dave
  14. yeah kool. i'll strip it down because there d*cks where i bought t from. cheers
  15. yeah im sure. its never been touched. it doesnt rattle when i shake it so they must be. if they arent then it came like that.
  16. i will try and get there and craig, adam etc will probably be there
  17. just bought an ACS freewheel and everytime i pedal kick it makes a massive crack and sometimes i get half a pedal stroke in with nothing happening. i have used the freewheel once and i dont trust it at all now. the lockring isnt loose so i cant think of anything else!! am i just unlucky? is it a 'bad batch' etc cheers Dave
  18. thats a sexy bike. i really like them. i like how you get touch up paint aswell. i think more companies should do that
  19. araldite them in. loctite is not a glue.
  20. i would like top see a pic of a custom build one (with your own bits on etc) i think it should look really nice.
  21. hes really good. quite built for a 17 year old aswell. impressive video.
  22. thats what i was thinking.... does it make any difference by the way? i have never tried it. lol cheers Dave
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