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Trials Dave

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Everything posted by Trials Dave

  1. they look really goood. the most colourful pictures in the world.
  2. hes got some power. watch the video of him riding the MBK. he does a big gap to front wheel in that aswell!!! with a big drop in the middle of it.
  3. amazing website there!!!! really impressed
  4. they going to be riding street etc after the shows
  5. I agree. when they are snapped there finished. lmao. you mite even be lucky enough to break your nose
  6. thanks...ive got it sorted now...just having trouble with videos now. lol.
  7. nice one there mate
  8. i have a PSP and i cant get music to go on it no matter what i do. i have the USB connection etc and have put music in the files but nothing happens when i try to play them on the PSP.
  9. good video there. with every video of you i can see improvement in each one!!! which is nice to see.
  10. that was a good little video. i like to hear the bikes
  11. if that got released today it would still be one of the best videos i think!!! oh...by the way. when i was on your video list Janson i downloaded soccer practise!!!!! lmao. WTF!!!
  12. Trials Dave

    New 20" Tra Vid

    great video...i like how we get a 'translation' at the bottom when you say that you need a helmet. lmao Did you hit your face of that rock right at the end? Dave
  13. good video but it gets a bit boring in the middle.
  14. thanks for the replies. it is appreciated. i will buy the DVD etc if it is on there
  15. kool little preview there. i like the tap you do. BEAST! Looking forward to the video now
  16. i cant quite afford an eno...unless someone has one to sell.
  17. hey, i was just wondering if AndrewT is making a koxx days video?? a simple yes or no then the topic can be closed. cheers Dave
  18. really impressive. i would like to see more of the street riding to be honest but thats just because i like that stuff soooo much. great video. Dave
  19. very tidy. i like how its nice and simple. i think that sometimes stickers or a 'colour scheme' make a bike look cheap and crappy. i like your rotor aswell. what is it? Dave
  20. my acs freewheel has fallen apart and locked up.....again!! so the time has come to buy a new freewheel and i dont particularly want an acs. i was just wondering if anyone knows how long it will be until the tensile freewheel comes out? it looks like great value for money. thanks Dave
  21. that looks total crap i think. the other ones were aswell. i'll probably still go and see it though
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