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Onza Kieron

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Everything posted by Onza Kieron

  1. DDDUUUUDDDDEEEE Why didn't you get the cranks in white? Looks pretty sex and looks nice to ride too..
  2. Shim What were the chances of that happening^^ Doesnt matter, ignore me.
  3. Time to change my password I think...
  4. If you can't find any I have some huge proper bolts you can have for the cost of postage, by hube I mean, like 250kg each but you'll never need another pair.
  5. Lol, I find that a tad cheeky calling up and asking for a new mech when I am 99% sure it was your fault they got broke/damaged but hey, something for free/cheap is never bad.
  6. Yeah, they look like VP's but spikier with less cages so surely weaker?
  7. Too damn true, listen to Green day - Nice guys finish last lol it says it all but yeh, get her porked, screw him
  8. Good vid there Danny, your defo gettin better like but get a helmet lol Keep it up!
  9. Unless you ride natural alot then i suggest you put some lubey of a sort in there, even if its just finishline
  10. Not exactly sure what you mean but I have a top bolt thingy for those forks I will send for the cost of postage...
  11. Send your hub and spokes to Tarty and get him build a DX32 on it, total cost will be about £30 I think (£20 for rim and wheelbuilds are a tenner when you buy the rim from there (I think)).
  12. Nice vid you got together there Tom, good to see lots of Durham and your defo gettin better and more confident (Y)
  13. Hahaha, that sounds quite an acomplishment. I'd be proud
  14. Just got to fit my back wheel now, Pro 2 trials on 24'' Tioga, should be looking quite sex, oh and i'm gunna make the Identiti stencils and spray them on in white. Tioga is 26h and is £12 posted to anyone wanting...MINT CONDITION. EDIT: Oh and I have a lil Velo jump seat like the dmr ones, not the long ones, the BMX style ones.
  15. Theyre my mates cranks, he's after £60 with the octalink BB, contact min on chris-mac-1@hotmail.co.uk or just send me a PM or something.
  16. Hahaha, just swapped frame for my old identiti Dr J, should look nice with this spec though... we'll see.
  17. Nice if you fancy a change, I got sick of mine though, its a fake street bike...
  18. Haircut! Looks shit, done by myself at mates house whilst drunk with shaver + scissors, not impressed.
  19. I havent actually rode it yet, got it finished at like 11.30 last night and its depish snow here + very cold and i have only 1 grip so I suppose I can wait a while and yeah, BB does seem very very low, even with them set at 140..
  20. Nearly as I would like it, got some Cheftians to go on instead of them and a semi slick high roller for the rear when the snow disappears. Also gunna build atomlab onto the front when I get some shorter spokes. C & C welcome
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