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Onza Kieron

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Everything posted by Onza Kieron

  1. Not always, but usually the case, I have seen 2 very very very smooth riders that can like, pop 6ft drops silent and just generally coastaround making no noise. To prove the smoothnes, one of them rides a Barracuda, but they have both cracked/snapped frames. Rant over.
  2. I would love to make this my first comp, what liscenses might I need etc? and like whats been said, where can I get forms etc.
  3. Joking? your the first person I have heard who hasn't popped a crossover...
  4. DJ Promo vid, not THAT old school but a good watch!
  5. I dunno what your area is like buteither find somewhere under a bridge or an old abandoned warehouse.... just go look around, you'll be suprised at wats waiting for you. EDITTT; im drunk so excuse the speelling
  6. 30 seconds mor elike and you have solved the rubbing but not the fact you have no cog left... but yeah, grind it responsibly.
  7. Hahaha, you retard, but thinking of it, I can imagine it on Harold and Kumar...
  8. Surely if someone made a poll on here so everybody interested could say so then send to Hope. This would show a lrge ammount of people wanting them, big demand. Just a thought.
  9. My A1 is bloody heavy but its taken some abuse in it's life and rides sweet. I prefer it to my old Hifi just to say that too.
  10. His rides like wank dont listen to him Nah, I havent seen the 07's but if they're like the 06's they should be a good solid frame.
  11. Onza Kieron


    What are everyone's opinions on profiles, I was gunna go for a cassette one on my stock, like the 6 speed 135 spacing one, It's all internally the same as the bmx ones, are they decent, worth upgrading from a Hope XC other than the obvious more than double e.p's. P.S sorry to hijack the thread but you have your answer and i'm sure you wanna know how they fair too
  12. Ok, so I'm gay and waited until tonight to order one and I guess they're sold out, anyone wanna sell me one for £90 and make £10 profit....Please...
  13. I'll be having one of those me thinks Thanks a million Paulio
  14. Seriously, leave this guy alone, if he wats to do it then let him, he didn't ask advice just to end up arguein. I say go for it mate, I doubt it would fit in a frame that isn't even 24 specific though..
  15. The way i see it is if he had been locked up there would o fbeen numerous break out/terrorism attempts, theats of stuff happening if he wasn't released so him dieing may well of been thebest way, even if it is very inhumane..
  16. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...endid=142212801
  17. Afew points: -I have noticed reading this thread, everyone disses Deng for his colourful parts but without him, nearly everyone would be left dengless with half complete bikes..Only the real street nuts or sponsored people (Waynio springs to mind first) would be left with complete bikes. He made the 06 Echo rims which were a disaster but he got them sorted out for 07, which pleased a majority, he does loads for the market and I think its time people gave him credit for it.... -Noone has confirmed these are HOD products completely yet, as some guy found more pics from a different manufacturer, so might it be possible these could be a prototype Magura '08 brake or something? although the lack of branding seems confusing for any company. Time will tell...
  18. Brett (planet-x-boy) on here has one of these now, I think, its a Formula anyway, and its nowhere close to his avids were. I'm sure he'll post up in a lil bit...
  19. The fire and smoke look great, just the car looks funky and weird... good effort though EDIT:Nice add to detail blurring the back wheels too, shows you have put a fair bit of thought/effort into it.
  20. Hahahahaha, Nick and Joe look nothing the same, at all. NOTHING THE SAME Joe is sexy (yea I guess you are too Nick)
  21. hello mate, i live in durham and i know at least 4 others that ride that live in durham or close to that acutually come out
  22. Thats what I intend on getting Edd Potts to do when My new XC axle snaps, then run some huge bolts and be pimp
  23. Seems strange Martyn moaning about bikes looking more like trials than mountain even though he basically introduced the whole top tube, seat post spine design...I personally would like to see a UCI riding frame come from this but with the looks of the Ashton, of course with the Famous Ashton seat..If the seat goes I will hate you all But keep us posted Ali
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