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Everything posted by RyanRs

  1. i have got so desperate on money this past 2 months, i have not been able to fund my bike.. it is in desperate need of new brake pads, as i have killed me plazzies and now killed me *Emergancy Use Only* Std maggy black pads too.. but, Good news about the black pads... as once you reach the Plastic backing (as i now have) , they actually work a dam lot better (Y) so, for my next and last desperation for a working back brake till i can afford £15 for some new pads, i think ill join 2 plastic backings togeather for each side and use them! just fort id let u all know that :P
  2. Rb lever for me (Y) used to have nothing but trouble with mine, leaked worse than a woman on a heavy period with no tampon. But one day whilst poking through my mates shed, i found some sills, that wer the same as the std RB ones, just 3/4 the thickness. so i cramed 4 of them in there :P job done, no leaks,lever blade returnes back properly with no delay. been using it like this for 7 months now :- bled with water .
  3. thanx. (Y) anyone else with opionions?
  4. Hi all. not been on here in a wee while, am back and in need of your views.. the GU 26" frame has been out for some time now, so id amagin a few of you have purchased one and have had good time to test them to see what theyre like... So, What are they like?!! they look lush, and damm strong... but what do you think?i want one but i still havent even seen one in the flesh yet (Y) also, a few months back i herd that there was an 'Upgraded' GU 26" coming out with major bug fixes in design, and that the GU thats out now was like a prototype?? was this the truith or all made up? if so, whats the news on this? thanx
  5. i dont really use the forum anymore., i just every now and then pop in to see if anythin has changed, to see if people have stoped agrueing,critizing,repeat posting crap like 'what pads are best' etc. but no , nothings changed. this must be me 1st post in about a month actually. -come on man! get some facts before making a point ! im not imature -well maby sometimes, i no girls like an older bloke with a bita fun left in them :), its just,i like the way you can post one mild'ly offensive or debatable post on here and everyone starts cutting there rists over it :) maby pushbikes are for children, and motorbike are for MEN! ? the motortrials people tell me this all the time, but up until i came on this forum, i alwayse dissagreed with them. Edit - Mr Monkey, Peace man! :thumb:
  6. hehe! nice 1 travvie! :( and cheers for that comment too mr monkey tosser! see its exactly posts like that ; that make this forum soo cack. i bet mr monkey is a really quiet person in real life , when the people he dont like are in the same room as him :ermm:
  7. thats just bollax. cos i am member on many other forums .... and all of them run smoothly. we all hav siggies, and NO ONE AGRUES! (id amagin that the fact there is no such thing as validation on them has something to do with it) i think this forum is the worst maintained , most un smoothy ran forum to date! even the TF.com works better than this! you cant come on here for advice, cos ull either get slated for it, or for your punctuation or somethin stupid like that. i can see travis point 100% it all the mouthy little kids on here that think they can get lary to anyone just cos they cant see them face to face. THE VALIDATION SYSTEM DONT WORK! (-sorry Doesn't work)
  8. On this forum... Why are we not allowed to ... Sware? have signature pictures? sell stuff on the new members bit? :( how old are the moderators /owners of this forum?
  9. iv hit me head harder than that before, few times infact and im not dead. inface, dr tells me im in perfect health.:ermm:
  10. please tell me what the *One .. is? i gota replace me onza Hog like NOW with somethin more or less as wide..
  11. Yea, soz i was on about the old pro lever .. closed system. so used to sayin 'mini' lever now, i didnt realise i typed it ! lol so basically , a closed Pro lever + HS33 pods... and water bleed.
  12. Couldnt you try 'Over filling' the system with fluid? i got some hope braided hoses for my magura now and im gona try linkin it upto a mini lever... it looks like it will be quite simple.. that would give me sum emmense braking power, so long as it aint too spungy!
  13. yup! strange i no.. dont have a clue how! may have been the combination of 3" tyre and 3mm thick innertube and no air in the tyre??
  14. i aint gota pic... i did it about 1 n alf years ago.
  15. my mate got this bong from amsterdam, and he got this red stuff that smells like cherry almond with it... you smoke it like its cannabis.... but its designed to do nothing what so ever but taste nice????!!?!??! its legal stuff too, and not harmfull... its actually quite ammusing, cos you can take a super long drag and smoke the whole room out in one go! and it doesnt leave you greening out , gaging for food, or in serious shit with ..the law, your parents, breathing... its rather amusing!
  16. i had a 321CD disk rim on back once... its like the D521 but .... STRONGER!!! this rim is immense! i clobbered the corner edge of a 2ft brick wall once at about 25 - 30 mph with the back wheel, (hand slipped when i bunnyhopped) .... the 321cd went BANG!!!! and all it did was slightly bend the lip edge (where the tyre sits) inward about 3/4 cm ... but the dish of the wheel ect was still perfect! didnt affect the trueness of the wheel what so ever... ..i was running a nokian galla 3.0 tyre on it with an intense DH tube though... but i used to run 15 psi .... funny thing was, i didnt even get a punchure!! i also set it up with a magura once, when i snapped me disk.... and belive it or not, it works pritty dam good!! but you only get half the pad to touch the rim, aS there isnt enough surface.. they are a bit weighty though..
  17. GT Zascar 14.5 frame....... it was the most 'Trials' suited frame out there before specifics came about. it was the best like 5 years ago!
  18. Ryan - tall with sexy body and even sexier mind And that is CORRRRRRRECT! (cept im like medium tall)
  19. Dam, i was going to write that but you beat me to it! Arrrrg!
  20. RyanRs

    A Rear Der.

    i fort gear changers wer expensive (Ie XTR) because of their precise ablilty to 'Change Gear ' smoothly and under load?! So how the hell is this gona help a Trials Rider? you could get a good road mech for like £60, just as compact, gota be almost as light and does the job just as well!
  21. the old Enduro lightning disks used to do that, hence y they got rid of them and replaced them with lil holes. i like my mini 185 rotor (im using it on an enduro brake) cos iv bent it about 3 times and kinked it once and its still going! just used combinations of vice, adjustable spanners and hand force to bend it / twist it back each time! hehe! altho, i could do with a new one now,...... where can i get a hope gothica disk from?? i no common sense would suggest 'Hope' but its not on there website, so maby you cant? i dunno?
  22. Ah, nice one mate! thanx! ill add you sometime 2mora! thanx
  23. Its fookin great... cant wait for episode 5..... will Slightly Bruised man be able to escape from the Glass that he 'Cant see through' and stop the Baths with sissors that dont actually do anything?! :bunny: --episode 2 at the begining.... that is sooo funny... 'Nope , guess i aint got that power!' HEHEHEHEHEHAHAHHAHAHHAHEHEHEHEHEAHAHAHA!
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