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Everything posted by Danny@phatworks

  1. I am sure you are more then capable of browsing the websites to compare prices yourself, as JT pointed out Tartybikes offer a price match so ultimately they are the cheapest and are the best trials shop in the UK/World for customer service, trust and reliability.
  2. Well put! I can kind of make sense of that now, thanks Ben. Referring to your original post now: "It's a shame that a prejudice about religion will stop people missing what's most important about the charter." Think that sums it up nicely for me. This has required some serious outside of the box thinking (for me anyway ha) to get to grips with - or maybe thats the heart and soul of the charter? and that the reference to religion is a subject that is so powerful because of the positives and negatives to it, it could enforce a more compassionate world.
  3. Ah, good point Ben. That makes sense but again it is separating people and giving people different opinions and mentality... Which through many levels causes the problems. They say they want everyone to be equal, how can they? if they believe different things? in some ways very con-traversal too. I don't actually see religion as a bad thing at all. People who have nothing in life, religion gives them hope. It can also make people change so is a very powerful tool - just not a tool to be used to try and make everything equal and compassionate as they differ greatly, even if originally that is what they were intended to do.
  4. I have had to watch and read this several times to try and grasp what they are really trying to point out. I would say I agree with the principles of what they are striving for and it is an eye opener on some things going on in life and the world in general. However to build the basis of this through religion or a religious perspective; which fundamentally is the main reason we have wars, hatred, racism and everything else that comes with it (saying that as a generalization) it completely sends off the wrong signals of there quest for more compassion and I don't think that people will necessarily miss the point they are trying to make, they will just completely ignore it. People don't like change, it is a fear for some people as they will just stay in there 'bubble' and be too arrogant to approve or accept anything different. Being open minded though I can see that it has to start with religion as that's the problem! If people could learn to accept and strive towards a more compassionate world and then apply that to all the factors of life i.e business, culture, socializing, friendships, relationships etc etc - The world would be a better place to live in rather then corporate, corrupted, greedy, competitive and selfish which then is portrayed in peoples attitudes, mindsets and way of life. At the same time though how would the world go around its like making the world a communist place to live in. It's catch 22 all around.... So in short, don't really understand.... I am sure we will end up in an in depth conversation about this over a pint sometime Bro, so feel free to try and enlighten me.
  5. Looks absolutely amazing. I don't think I could ever justify the £830.00 price tag for any bike frame ever though, so well done on biting the bullet there! Haven't really heard much of this new material that they are using on the Sky it will be interesting to see how that holds up in terms of noticeable performance benefits and strength. Based on the quick read off the Tarty website it seems that they won't be very strong for general UK bashers! but then it's aimed for the Elite/high end competition riders so who cares. As with most things - you get what you pay for! Get some better pictures please!!!!!
  6. Homer; "Oh! So they have the internet on computers now"
  7. Oxford possibly? me and riders from Northampton have been speaking about it. Possibility I will be riding mod but all fun and games!
  8. Mine goes on that the files are not uploaded to the server as the site is being improved on In the event that anyone needs to contact marino, email him at marinobike@gmail.com for the meantime until all the web servers, pages etc have been updated and are live.
  9. They seemed pretty sturdy to me +35 actually and it does ride really light and bouncy! Yes man, all set for 24" now whilst my elbow finishes healing up. Hope it arrives soon
  10. South West of Banbury, all moved in now. Just getting my bike sorted out and my elbow is pretty much 100% (broke it) so I am good to ride around the area hopefully this weekend!
  11. Nice one Dude, look forward to the proper video - take your time with it and make something that really shows your skills bro x
  12. Oh Yes! Ride with you soon big boy I would do Dude, but my broken elbow injury has about 2 - 3 more weeks before it will be 100% it is out the sling now and I can move it in a full range of motion, however I want to wait a touch longer as I feel it does not have the strength in it for riding. Besides I am awating for the new bike to arrive from Marino
  13. Yes Mikey!!!!!! Really good riding in there mate. Get your music sorted out and your onto a winner. Really liking the rail moves from your pedal definately something different. Ride soon mate x
  14. Nice one Ross! Enjoyed that a lot, great mix of street and 'trialsy' orientated riding in there with a fun tune. That rail crash at the end looked like it might have left a bruise or two Looking forward to getting my 24" frame and fork from Marino now!
  15. Nice video Joel, proper chilled tune too. Ali is just plain awesome, want more!!!
  16. Nice one Thomas, some interesting reading material on there with some videos I hadn't seen before either (not the two mentioned un-released they were a bonus too!) Keep it up Dude, hope the injury heals up quickly.
  17. Really impressive stuff. I have seen so many videos from Russian riders now and I think it is safe to say there taking over the 'TGS' side of trials...
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