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Everything posted by T-BAD

  1. i'm on a see food diet at the mo.... see food and eat it. seriosly though, its winter now so packing on the extra pounds is ok, atleast you don't have to worry about freezing so much coff*fat *unts*coff
  2. these 2 know were to go leeds for street though...
  3. T-BAD


    get a sanding pad on the angle grinder and wazz em off... easy as pie, even though i don't know how to make it :$
  4. T-BAD

    Song Wanted

    add me i found it
  5. T-BAD

    Song Wanted

    with the chinese burd singin? i have it somewere... i'll find it 1mo
  6. lmao... nice find, made my day
  7. its also something that is widely unknown of, 'a rare book' shmarty pantsh
  8. T-BAD


    just recently got my apreticeship sorted, so now i'm workin in crosshills at platinum stairlifts doing welding/fabrication, 1st 12 weeks i'm on £85 a week, get all my work clothes for free. sounds fun
  9. [attachmentid=7258] not a google vid, buts it damn funny another one
  10. kyle sent me the link, so blame him!! i just come online so i was unaware of this too.. so silly me clicked it ne one knows what it dus apart from flood your contact list with tht annoyin link?
  11. T-BAD

    Addictive Food

    walkers sensations thai sweet chilli, choclate cookies, ice cream, nice pint of beer and a pack of pork scratchins. i'm hungry now...
  12. T-BAD


    nice bike. whats the wheelbase of it?
  13. t-pros are sturdy as fook, but if you have the money... get something better? echo lite perhaps? would be more suited to tht as it would be more like the tcomp then the tpro? i dunno your choice
  14. T-BAD

    Funny Chav

    he rides tyke trials... i think oh well...
  15. noooooooice rossy, gettin good now...
  16. course he did, he even took that pic of the monkey in your avatar
  17. lmao!... white tyres, will look like wheelchair tyres!
  18. my mates coust's seem to work wateva the weather... just buy em
  19. sounds nasty fella... helmets 4TW!
  20. incase you did'nt know, some arabian fker has stolen his bike... if i see any one on your bike deonn, i will personally fcuk them over for you, or if you see some one on your bike... tell me i'll come over and do em with you
  21. white paki!!! lmao!! wigga? i'll find one now for you boyos [attachmentid=7147][attachmentid=7148]
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