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Everything posted by T.McMillan

  1. Hey guys some old footage from West Bay that ive only just managed to make into a video enjoy VbIeJHvi22w tom
  2. i like the song not the artist it, it goes well with the vid,
  3. that was a really cool vid some awesome editing too, tom
  4. hey guys, just wanted to try out summit diff, got bored last nite (the next one wont be like that lol) watch this instead heOzZkGa5_0 far better tom
  5. vid of me in my little grotto of sleepers for 1/2 hours time lapsed down to 5 mins watch here V5BwMFzfSZQ tom
  6. that is a sick video, cool filming tom
  7. T.McMillan

    New Video

    this is my second video, with some pretty cool editing im not big headed but i think its pretty damn sick here it is heOzZkGa5_0 tom and nathan
  8. cheers guys thanks for th replys ive added you, new vid soon with some sick footage tom
  9. hey guys have a look and tell me wat you think, 1st attempt at making a trials video, seems ok, but i will do some more finishing touches sometime when me and naf gets some more footage fpIH67zAcSk regards tom and nafan
  10. my bottom bracket width is 113mm, and the cranks are pretty damn close to the chainstays either side, is the only reason for wider(118mm/128mm) bottom brackets for clearance on the chainstays or is there another reason im missing? also which is better to go for? i would assume the 128mm because it will clear most frames, thats only if my reason is correct above? HELP lol tom
  11. i found a vid the other day of this guy i thought it was danny mac but not sure n e ways at the start it has about 5 pallets and he falls flat on his ass, which video is that someboday must know
  12. a couple of cool videos this one is old skool this is someone building a bike in a time lapse its cool
  13. the ashton look amazing, i think they should get rid of the disc mount not too keen on it, hopefully see it on the tarty stand at the national bike show regards tom
  14. A phew years ago i went to the NEC bike show, and the was some amazing trials arena's, i know it moved one year to another place and i never managed to go that year, but does anyone know if there is still a bike show anymore because i dont see any adverts for one in MBUK, can anyone also tell me why it has gone/stopped? Regards Tom
  15. just dont hit you shins, thats all i do, i did have a pair of some fox shin guards they were really good
  16. nice pictures mate how did u get the blue of the frame to stand out like that, did u just edit it in photoshop?
  17. looks awesome mate it will look good with a black bash ring i want to ride it:) reagards tom
  18. hope pro 2, 06 cus its about £20 cheaper on taryt's if your tight for cash if not go for the o7
  19. what is the advantage of having the 16tooth super pro set up rather than the normal trials 22tooth set up, apart from it being titanium, what is the most popular, because recently i went to the exter indoor trial and i saw alot of the smaller ones, help guys thanks
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