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Everything posted by TRA

  1. TRA

    Oldschool Ot Pi Vid

    This video made me start doing biketrials , its just plain awesome .
  2. TRA

    Brand New Tra Vid! :d

    you should see my " call me daddy" stickers on my bike =P now available from KOXX! ;P
  3. TRA

    Brand New Tra Vid! :d

    HEY .. its just old clips ! .. and some VERY old .. doh =P And he never puts in the best either
  4. hehe , yea, sledgehammer is a good tool if you dont have the crankarm puller present
  5. What i can tell you all is that while riding for KOXX i have never broken a fork , my coustellier has gotten alot of beating and its still going, my crankarms have received pounding from a sledge hammer and still perfect, i very rarely change rims etc etc. all good stuff But it was only this 1 freewheel that i had that was something wrong with . doh
  6. Me snapping a try-all freewheel should NOT have been mentioned ever ! Because its the first ever freewheel that has broken, it is probably due to high temperature treatment that has gone wrong . Vincent has had his prototype for 9 months. If this happens to anyone they will get a new freewheel, but this should not happen ! T33zr will get his butt kicked for mentioning this at all .
  7. Not as good pictures as useal , but theres 3 pictures he forgot to add, dammit =P
  8. TRA


    seen a video of him and its really very impressive. i tried a trial unicycle yesterday, never tried a uni before. its easier to balance then on a bike because you have your arms to move around and wave for balance. I didnt really get any further then 4 metres pedaling , but i did 20" sidehop with it just after like 30 minutes.
  9. TRA

    Tra Pictures

    "some" meaning not all , and by this i think we can safely say that my big head was not in the original plans .
  10. TRA

    Tra Pictures

    Ever thought that some of them pics SHOULD have distiortion ? most of the pics are really taken by me because "they" use my camera, and then i either set the cam and put it on tripod or i tell them where to stand, what do do etc . I always set the settings for the cam for em. But i just about never get the pics i want because its not me holding the camera. :\
  11. TRA

    Tra Pictures

    i just about never kill the forks , the first 2 i got from KOXX some years ago bendt more easy , but after thos i just about never bend the forks ! i havent broken a fork in 2 years.
  12. 50 pictures up on koxx.fr, check em out ! ... or not ? .. your choice Some good ones . KOXX TRA pictures BTW.. just realised that TF has something called "riding pics" section . doh =P
  13. Neil is working on his head ups to rear wheel i see, hmm not going to well i suppose?
  14. Good stuff, i liked it . editing in abit more clips , especially when your riding and people on the street passing and watching would have done the trick. I like the "deep" thoughts. its true
  15. TRA

    New Vid Of Me

    I really like cap`s videos, one of the few that has creative lines with very nice riding . Good job!
  16. TRA

    Summer Vid? :)

    no , you cant handle my dick
  17. TRA

    Summer Vid? :)

    ..says the guy who is talking about a "cock" in his QUOTE ...
  18. TRA

    Summer Vid? :)

    Nice video, very different then all the others on this forum i think . also that TRA guy is innit aswell . very worth it to have a look
  19. TRA

    New Tra Vid

    only first pic is of me , doh =P. The last jump into water i hit the water with my side so badly it was like beeing hit by a baseball bat or something , very funny
  20. New video of me on koxx.fr http://www.koxx.fr/index.php?lg=fr_FR&sec=...DB4486c917b9117 8:43 min , 54 mb .
  21. TRA

    Auch! Vol.7

    Yeh, better falls in the previous ones. RIDE WORSE EVERYONE ! this is not acceptable !
  22. TRA

    Auch! Vol.7 Teaser

    i turned away for a few seconds, and then i see him laying there making sounds that one useally do NOT make even if you fall . Didnt seem very good , and i dont think we can make that trip tomorrow to go and ride ! dammit =P
  23. mr aasen uses 18-16, and mr øhler uses 18-15 in this video, altho he is on the urge to start riding the 18-16.
  24. I exploded my front tube and didnt have a spare, and i didnt want to stop riding , and i am still riding the rim without any problems now ! i didnt wreck it , and it was so funny
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