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Everything posted by fredrico

  1. A 15 year old will 99% never 'do over' a fully grown man who has already proved he doesnt care about kicking a 15year old. Its a shitty situation but one you have to deal with. The law is so fukin shit that if you did beat him up, im sure the police will have no trouble arresting you. Learn from what happened, stay away from the area, at the end of the day getting in a scrap over riding on a wall is hardly worth it is it? EDIT: lol at all the sub 17/18s who say to beat him up.
  2. looking a bit far into a joke? anyway i like it.
  3. Never thought it was possible to make yourself look such a twat in one post......
  4. I havnt seen a ghost nor do i believe in them and i think what you said sums ghosts up. If you believe in them then i think that your mind starts playin tricks on you, say you see a gleam of light or something, because you believe in ghost your mind will intepret this as a ghost. And if you dont believe in them then you dont notice anything 'odd' Not sayin that is right its just what i think.
  5. Only way to settle this is a Grylls Vs Mears face off. Both get a knive and dropped into the middle of a jungle. First one out wins............
  6. Mears ***. Bears is a freak, anyone who eats the shit out of a camel is not cool....
  7. Im sorry but what you have said is rubbish. Trials bikes really do depend on geometry, yes ok old xc frames were used, but, since specific trials frames have been made trials has progressed so much in terms of what 'tricks' are possible. I doubt Martin Ashton could ride that raleigh like his normal trials bike. As for the 'bad workman blames his tools', that isnt the case here. Should be 'riding that bike for trials is like a builder using screwdriver as a chisel' it works but doesnt do the job.
  8. Surely the clip popping off is only due to it being incorrecty installed. No matter what force is put on there is still two plates holding the pins together.
  9. That one both plates are the same shape? surely the extra 'dip' in the plate is still stronger than a mashed pin head?? On my 8 speed cycle shain i used to run it snapped no where near the split link and my kmc is using a split link and has been fine, which is why im sceptical to believing they are weaker.
  10. i Still dont understand how its weaker, the split link has one plate with two pins on it, then another plate; same thickness as all the other links goes on top which is secured by the clip. So its still got two normal side plates on with two mushroom shaped pins wit a tight fitting lockin clip. I read adams comment and still not sure as to how they are weaker?
  11. Personly i think everything Jenny and Monkeysee.. has said to be bang on. im not a chav but i do stop to talk to groups of them in my area and have been approached by PCSO's, and im not sure if its the same everywhere but where i live if people see a police officer they change how they act/ stop looking so dodgy but when its a PCSO they carry on fully knowing that there is nothing they will do. Gyser you say that if you give false names you will get tracked, which im sorry, but its bollocks, im constantly being stopped for riding on pavements, no lights etc and they always try issuing a fine and everytime i give a false name and nothing has ever come off it. However there is one good thing with PCSO's, last summer when they were introduced they acted cool and got on with all the youths in my area. They learnt everyones names and who went where. Doing this enabled a chav who did a grab and run in a petrol station get identified and caught just beause our local PCSO could match the description with the name. Other than that they are genraly a joke, especialy the Pc Pushbikes. Not wanting to cause offence Gyser, just my opinion and what i have encountered. This s the problem, its not just the one PCSO acting a tool, its 98% of them.
  12. I need an answer quick so will raceface xc cranks last when used for trials or is it best to advoid them?
  13. Thats a shit excuse not to, that V8 fiat isnt designed for a V8, theres the 3.0 v6 nova and many others, but the are all cool because of the engine and are not hated just because their shit cars to start with.
  14. I was joking, i wouldnt want Jenny to be banned.
  15. From personal experience my 3 top favourite street/dirt bikes are the Flow Drift, 24seven darkangel/slacker and dmr tansition. I found all of those perfect for me to which i just prefered the 24seven
  16. I cant help with where to get it made, but wouldnt it be safer to make it out of aluminium so the mount snaps and not the frame?
  17. The bike i think you were on about is (forgot name of mbuk rider) who had a mongose 24" to which he custom modified some suspension forks to fit. The guy is the owner of g-bikes or something like that.
  18. google should work because i watched jackass 2 on there and it was only in 2 parts.
  19. Funniest thing i witnessed was 2 lads tried starting on a group of us, at first it was nothing serious so me and my other mate thought wed leave it tosee if they drop it. One of them started smacking my mate, next thing my other mate smashed his bike over one of the lads head, he dropp like a sack of shit. At the time we were like um shit is he ok, but now we laugh about it. But yeh with things like getting started on just leave it, whats happened happened, if you and mates start ganging up on him then his mates will gang up on you etc, and if he kicked you in the face for no reason i wouldnt wanna piss him off much more.
  20. What i was trying to say is that in this case you cant simply say it was his fault because the man could of stepped out at the wrong time etc, its not as clean cut as saying beau hit him, its all his fault. However beau has a lot more evidence to say he added more the cause of the the accident. Remeber in court every last factor is added up, beau speeding in reverse, being young etc points to it being beau's fault; the old man wearing slippers on wrong feet could suggest the old man is not all there possibly meaning that the old man didnt look/didnt react to the car moving and stepped out. I know what i mean but struggling to explain it.
  21. How can you say nothing bad, yeh accidents happens, its no ones direct fault but the fact you said nothing bad, scares me. A man could die. As has been said you had shit luck which yes you could of prevented but at the time you didnt expect it to happen, now is the time to realise whats happened and whether you feel ts your fault or not, you are going to have to accept you are a major aggrevating factor in the situation and to the court it will be your fault. All you can do is accept it was your fault, but clearly explain whats happning in your life at home etc. Im not telling you to say your depressed but if the court understand what you have been through they might be a little bit more forgiving on the sentence etc, due to your mind being confused, upset etc. And for people who think that lowering your car makes you a chav, take a reality check. Lowering a car doesnt make you a chav, yes its sterotypes you but in this situation its going to have to be ignored. One last thing future orange 660, seriously get your head out of your arse and shut the f**k up, all you do is talk people down, yet trialspunk clearly proved your not as 'perfect' as you act.
  22. Exactly, ive had alot of heavy shit times and not once did i think about suicide, just something i could never go through with, id rather live a shit life with its fun times than no life and cause upset for the family.
  23. This guys mum was a teacher and everyone use to make up so much shit that her son apparently did, was quite funny.
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