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Everything posted by ManxTrialSpaz

  1. I think that bikes win the Cost>Performance ratio though. E.g. GSXR 1300 costs short of £10k and goes 200mph and would kick the ass of >99% of available production cars in a straight line.
  2. Windows 7 downloaded everything I needed, no need to download anything else extra.
  3. Nah, it's starting to get somewhere. And I do believe Tesla (or some other electricity revolutionary) had plans and ideas for wireless energy and was even building transmitters but ran out of funds/permission. And it's the seagulls from Finding Nemo.
  4. Please tell me you know what that word means.
  5. Yeah, but I didn't want to say anything that might make me look wrong - I actually deleted those bits And I doubt the algae solution will go anywhere. Petrol is here to stay until it runs out. Far too much money behind it for it not to.
  6. It's all going down in here! And rocktrials, if you want to lose some chub, weightlifting is imo, the easiest and quickest way to do it. Lifting hard and lifting to your potential will burn so many calories it's unreal. And you can bring a mate and make it quite social If you do go the lifting route, just remember that form is the #1 priority.
  7. I can see what you're getting at, but it is a slightly flawed point of view. To a company, the loss produced by drilling, transporting, cracking, mixing and transporting a certain volume of petrol than the loss brought about by zapping electricity down a power cable. And, in an internal combustion engine, I do believe a large amount of the energy from petrol is wasted through heat and friction in the engine.
  8. Nah, the xbox remote is far comfier to hold and use. And as shit as the xbox d pad actually is, why would you ever want to use the d-pad?
  9. The IT crowd has a black guy as main character. And I know The Office has a black guy somewhere.
  10. I do believe that powering an electric car produces less kg of CO2 per Joule of energy than petrol though. The big issue are the non disposable materials electric cars are made from.
  11. Just wait. I bet that in 4 days, there'll be an NMC thread "What u guyz getting for crimbo?" and the thread starter's list will have Danny Mac's bike on it.
  12. I'm not sure you know how eBay works... You enter a max bidding price and it automatically bids as low as it can upto your threshold.
  13. Me and my brother on last count, which was about 6 months ago, had 100,000+ kills on his account.
  14. The only thing that makes me say that is the DLC aspect. If those game types are going to b apart of a future DLC, why? It's not extra content - it's already been made, so there's little reason to pay for after development support as there's been none. But, the presence of DLC does raise the question of IWnet. It is looking like it was a rushed setup with the sole purpose to lock PC users out of the user generated content they usually get, to try and maximise sales of DLC on the PC. I'm fairly sure this is the truth, which is why I reckon they're greedy.
  15. Well, MW2 is certainly being raped on the PC. Not only did cheaters appear days after release, but in the past couple of days the console has been hacked and unlocked. Discoveries from the console have lead to: Useful things like FPS and showing ping numbers instead of bars. Finding out IWnet is a direct port of XBLive And the biggest so far, revealing what is most likely going to be DLC in the near future. Conclusion: IW are right greedy bastards.
  16. I know a guy called Richard Edward Skinner. Multikill.
  17. If you've plugged in via composite/rca, make sure you haven't mixed two of the plugs around.
  18. Yeah, I wasn't fully convinced it was a professional production and I suppose that's proof right there.
  19. No idea - never heard that one before. May well be what it says on the tin. As a sidenote, I am now convinced that Tiesto looks like Gok Wan. I like those days. But you need some Guns n' Roses and aerosmith in there as well!
  20. Is this the real ending? Just read the plot on wikipedia. Where are the cliche and yawn smilies?
  21. They probably tried to knock the lot down and failed and so aimed at the top. Best part of the original video was this comment at the bottom
  22. I didn't like Kaleidoscope. every other song seemed as though it was aimed at radio with the vocals and everything. My favourite Tiesto album by far has to be Elements of Life. That and the remix album include some amazing tracks.
  23. Haha, I wasn't getting offended - just being light hearted. And anyway, I'm sure everyone in this thread would be more than happy for some advice from someone who knows what they're on about.
  24. Don't take us for fools! Labeling situps as "Abs" on a workout is like labeling press ups as "Triceps/chest".
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