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Everything posted by Trebor

  1. Ordered Check your PMs as I have moved address and forgot to update my Pay-Pal account!
  2. Lovely job, really lovely job. All I'd do is whang a booster on the back for uber brake-age - obviously isn't needed though! Enjoy it.
  3. Well, from the end of May to late August I was galavanting around south Europe, got back and then went to Germany, then came back and moved to London where I've still not got broadband at my place yet, but I can use it at work so I'm a bit more regular on here now. As they say, smokers never really quit
  4. Fricker, that is a name I've not heard in a looooooooong time. He makes posts saying he's back and then goes away again. Anyone in contact with him?
  5. It kinda works both ways, I guess. If you show that you're what you dub a 'model user' then perceptions of you will be that you're mature enough, then you become an SM and you get invited to contribute to Senior matters. You're right though, there's certainly no set system to being nominated for SM'ship.
  6. I was having a joke Spacemunkee, the old saying really isn't that clever at all. Sadly you missed it It's not a case of letting go, it's people like looking at websites regardless of what they do, sorry if that's a thorn in your paw.
  7. How about Danny/Tom make regular members Pink and SM's an even more awesome colour. Would that make you all happy? Plus you know, there's another rule. If you become an SM, big guys in a white van come and take your bike and you're never allowed to ride again. So you better all post real badly or go ride your bikes otherwise 'BAM' - it's all gone. And you become a paedo or a 40 year old man according to Spacemunkee's post - it's tough guys.
  8. Ok, bad word useage, of course you've had the hubs for ages but, meh you know what I mean you big slag
  9. Ooh, dealing with Profile now will we?!? Tartybikes is only getting better and better, keep it up Mr. Dave & Mr. Read. Bike looks pretty fly, I suppose Edit: Is the sprocket screwed onto the cranks at the regular placed and then bolted onto the arm itself? Or am I seeing things
  10. I think subtle is the way forward. With actual designs instead of funky ways to write "Koxx" on a garment. Are these going to be clothes purely for trialsy riding or will you be designing/producing garments that people would wear like regular clothing? Camo is old
  11. Tis from back in the day, they even made Akkrigg a Titanium T-Raptor. I wonder who rode the 20" Geo is very old-skool but I imagine anyone buying this would buy it as something to put on their wall.
  12. Well if you're a big nancy like me then the pussy/chilled stuff is awesome But yeah, it's certainly not "angry" in the same way as the more all out d'n'b stuff. I think some arrogant fellow named it intelligent dance music, I can see why though.
  13. Keep with Aphex/AFX too. Come to Daddy is a drop in the ocean of the all amazing tunes that man has created. From chilled electronica to come to daddy to way more freaky stuff.
  14. So envious of you :$ Nice shots, is there a link to lots more?
  15. Trebor

    New Px

    Such a trip back in time! Why reverse the picture though?
  16. Cannabis consumption, like alcohol, has so many different forms and levels. It's very narrow minded to band them all together and dismiss them as one. For most people, who know themselves, it can be enjoyed and not be detrimental to your ambition, it won't make you a screw-up if you know when to stop. I highly enjoy a smoke, listening to music is an incredible experience when high, it's strange but it's true. As is reading I've found. It (depending on the social context) can be a great social 'activity' as well as a personal one. You can still go out and function normally and do the things you usually would, it's not just a sitting down and being monged type of drug, which is the view most people tend to have. I don't enjoy being totally stoned, and think that people wasting their time (and money) sucking on toots thinking that they're having a great time are fools, and deep down they know it's a totally retarded thing to do. The way cannabis is portrayed in the media astounds me. From the way that it's portrayed as a hallucinagenic (spelling?) to the way it's used as a scape-goat, blamed for people turning from goal-driven, well to do, bright future guys into murderers, criminals and bad members of society. Anyone that's heard Bill Hick's skit on people taking mushrooms know what I mean. An example would be a murder that was in the papers a month or so ago: this fruit-loop kid - who happened to smoke weed - that was studying at Oxford had a crush on the nextdoor neighbour's daughter. She was a beautiful girl, just finished a Fashion degree I believe. Anyway, he'd made a few harmless advances on her and she turned him down. He stabbed her over 50 times. If a guy is going to be crazy enough to do that, it's not going to be because of cannabis, if anything it prolonged it. I think the only people to be blamed for such an extreme case would be his parents. Clearly they didn't have a clue if they raised a guy capable of this. I would need to get a copy of the article to show how it desribes it all. Anyway, that's a bit of a tenuous link so I'll shut up now. In short, I used to smoke quite a bit, now I've not touched it since Summer and intend to only have some on very rare occasions. Basically whenever I fly out to Germany to see a buddy as he's my original smoking buddy and it'll always be a thing between us, not that we need it to have fun or anything like that, it's just something we do. I also only drink on special occasions. I enjoy having a clear mind and feeling healthy. But if people want to smoke, it's their own decision and they'll have to face the consequences (if any) of doing so. I still can't understand why people waste their money on cigarettes, bring on the smoking bans.
  17. Diet-wise, I think you're doing fine. Probably way better than your average person. Just try to get more veg in and have 3 main meals a day, less snacking. Raw vegetables are, in general, much better for you than cooked. Maybe switch to just having one or two sandwiches a day, and switching the other sandwiches with veg. Btw, I dunno if this'll help you lose weight, but you'll probably feel better and have a bit more energy for the gym. How much water do you drink daily? Try to get your 2 litres in. Tea counts, and fruit/veg is surprisingly high in water content, so maybe try to actually drink around 1.5 litres a day. With these kinds of topics you're going to get so many varied replies. Everyone is different and their body deals with food/drink intake differently. So I wouldn't go for anything too specific, variation is always good. And you can't go wrong with Multi-Vitamins/Codliver Oil. Disclaimer: This is what works for me.
  18. Maybe in 'real' second hand terms £500 would be tops, but for anyone that knows anything abouts trials bikes and is looking for a great bike at a comparitively cheap price - that's a freakin deal.. I think I'd put £800 as the reserve though!
  19. Telefon Tel Aviv rediscovery. Found a new favourite tune - "Sound in a dark room" amazing if you like your chilled out electronica. Cardio. Since I no longer ride my stamina is god awful! Uber healthy lunches. Making a change from the normal healthy lunches I have. Going to bed a little later than I otherwise would - accidental. ... "Let the good times roll"
  20. I just don't get it, £50? Props for being in a museum though!
  21. Actually, compared with when I got to Sicily that's pretty pasty! I was lucky however, no scalp tan-line, just a big white stripe across the boxers area :$ Edit: I meant a grade 3/4 shave by the way, not a Bic inscase that's what you were thinking.
  22. Perhaps the cheesiest introduction to a trials video EVER (I do agree with what it's saying though) - the riding was supreme
  23. Guys it's Friday, go get laid or something...
  24. Trebor


  25. "Getting nailed in central - the next 2 years will be SWEET! See you tomoz." "Good to know the suntanned voyager has returned. Bet it's great to have home cooking and your own bed again. I'll give you a call soon xxx" "U at the fest yet?"
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